The Top 10 Most Influential Blog Posts of 2017

2017 was the most amazing year that DailyPS has ever had. You got to read posts from more than 60 different authors. Our posts covered a wide range of topics; 40 to be exact! We've received a countless number of testimonies and comments from our readers. In this post today we wanted to share the 10 most influential blog posts of 2017.

DailyPS' 10 Most Influential Blog Posts of 2017:

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Letting God Decide Your Career Path

God’s promises aren’t always instantaneous. This has caused me career tension. How do we find our purpose if we know God likely won't answer immediately? Continue Reading »

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The Faith that Moves Mountains

How strong is your faith? Do you have the faith that moves mountains? Not some Harry Potter Magic; I mean REAL faith in God like the Bible talks about? Continue Reading »

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Where was Jesus in Charlottesville?

People often ask where was God when (insert tragedy) happened. Sadly, the United States has had enough tragedy recently to ask this several times over. Continue Reading »

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God Always Promotes

We humans like to define promotion as a linear progression, where every step always goes to a new place of higher rewards... God always promotes! Continue Reading »

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The Effect of His Will on Our Prayer

One of the most difficult seasons of prayer in my life was during the summer of 2015. I was living in St. Augustine, Florida... Continue Reading »

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The United States of Pornography

Recently I was reading “Is This the End?” by Dr. David Jeremiah and he shared a stat in his book that literally made my jaw drop. “ pornography... Continue Reading »

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4 Ways Millennials Can Change The Church

What if I told you that millennials can shape the future of Christianity at this very moment? The oft-maligned millennial generation receives... Continue Reading »

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Embrace and Renew Your Fragility

We are jars of clay who carry the greatest treasure, we are renewed by God Himself. God wants us to embrace and renew our fragility in Him! Continue Reading »

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The Romance Died

The romance died. It was the romance that led me and my husband to get on a plane to meet the children we would call our own through adoption... Continue Reading »

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I Don’t Know What I Want to Be When I Grow Up

I was recently talking to a good friend of mine who is in college, and we started talking about what he wanted... "What do you want to do when you grow up?" Continue Reading »

[pb_separator style="solid" height="1"]That sums up our top 10 most influential blog posts of 2017. We had so many more posts that changed lives and that reached hundreds/thousands of people. We couldn't possibly list them all here! Please use our website navigation to read more posts within topics that interest you.

A spacial thank you to all of our readers and subscribers! We are so thankful for your continued support and feedback for us. Because of you, DailyPS has grown and reached more people than we ever imagined possible. Thank you!


Bringing God to Work [Podcast]


A Journey - Part 2: Struggle