4 Elements of Jesus' Prayer Life That Each of Us Should Implement

I've been focused on learning more about the prayer life of Jesus; because I want to model mine after His. Jesus' prayer life is the standard for what an authentic life of prayer should look like. I have been reflecting on a particular bible verse that really stands out to me. This verse covers some vital elements of Jesus' prayer life worth meditating on.

During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, He offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the one who could save Him from death, and He was heard because of His reverent submission. - Hebrews 5:7

I notice 4 main points within this bible verse for how Jesus prayed:

1. Jesus offered up prayers and petitions

A petition is a formal request. This means that Jesus' prayers were intentional and probably very organized. When we go to God in prayer, do we go to Him with specific things that are on our hearts or just start speaking at random?

2. With fervent cries and tears

Jesus' prayers were full of passion and intensity. Jesus was intense. His feelings were involved when He was speaking with God. This tells me one thing for sure, Jesus wasn't multitasking! He wasn't checking His Facebook or Instagram while praying. Do we pray with intensity? Are we putting everything aside and giving our undivided attention to God?

3. To the one who could save Him from death

I want to point out that this verse says could save Him from death; not would save Him. Jesus came to earth as a human. He chose how to live, just as we all choose. Jesus humbled Himself before God, knowing and accepting that His fate was in God's hands. How often do we forget how big God is? Do we genuinely humble ourselves before Him?

4. He was heard because of His reverent submission

Jesus was honoring toward God in His prayers. He complied with what He felt God speaking to Him. Does God see humility and compliance in our hearts? Are we showing our creator the reverent submission that He deserves?

Related Post: Do your prayers sound more like, "My will be done" or "Thy will be done"?

I believe we can all learn a lot from how Jesus prayed to God. If we can successfully begin implementing some of these points into our prayer life, I believe we will begin seeing breakthroughs in our lives. We are called to live our lives as Jesus lived His; let's start praying as He did!


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