Rest and Praise 

“But you are holy,  you who inhabit the praises of Israel.” —Psalm 22:3


How do we love our enemies?

Did you know in Greek the word hospitality, means ‘love the stranger?’ No, I didn't either, but wow what a powerful shift in mindset. We see Jesus and the New Testament believers be hospitable to others by breaking bread and drinking together. We see them opening up their homes and worshiping together. We see them meeting one another's needs and ultimately sharing the gospel message of Jesus Christ to those that hate and oppose them.

We are so clearly called to love those that stand in opposition to us. It takes a miraculous work in us to be able to do it too! For we were once God’s enemy, but yet he loved us enough to put on flesh and bone and come to earth to die for us on a cross. A moment that changed the course of history. We no longer have to stand in opposition to God. Once we receive and believe in Jesus, our first response should be to love others. For we have been so radically loved by our Father who sent his son to pay our price, which washed us clean, so that we could host the Holy Spirit within us.

Out of this encounter should come radical hospitality.

It is easy to say ‘be hospitable’, but how do we actually do that? Why would I want to be hospitable to a culture that hates me and hates what I believe in? How can I truly be hospitable to people who are anti God and anti-Christian?

The answer is Rest and Praise.

Rest in knowing your identity and who you belong to. Rest in knowing that you are not fighting against flesh and blood but against evil rulers and authorities in the unseen world. We are here to fight a spiritual battle and you are going to need to know who you are in Christ and what you have been given as a child of God. Rest in the mighty presence of God, so that you can be saturated with more of him until it can't help but pour out onto others.

Praise. Praise and worship the one who bought you freedom. When we worship Him he will inhabit our hearts and move our feet because our heart postures have turned to loving God’s lost kids. In every conversation and in every encounter, the Holy Spirit will help us bear his fruit, so that we can walk amongst the divided culture and only come out with more love and more hope for all God’s kids.

We have hope! We are not left forsaken or defenseless. In fact I know we have so much to look forward to as followers of Jesus. With great urgency let’s love our enemies. The time is now to stand on the truth of God’s word. Let's be bold and share our testimonies with those who have ears to hear. If we don’t love our enemies, how can they ever move from stranger to brother in Christ?

“Your road led through the sea, your pathway through the mighty waters— a pathway no one knew was there!” — Psalms 77:19 NLT

Dear Lord, your paths lead to life. You live in the unknown and the unexplainable. You amaze us with the paths that no one knew were there. But you saw all along! I feel something coming. An unexpected pathway. No one will see it coming besides the ones you have given eyes to see. But even then, your mighty mysteries will put your remnant in deep awe and wonder. You just keep getting better.  You just keep getting better. Your glory will reign upon the earth. It’s going to settle like a thick cloud over the mountaintops and it’s not going to move! Glory after glory! From glory to glory your people will shout! Nothing can stop the wave from crashing down. No thing can move what you have begun. It’s only getting better!



Your Words Have Power!


Enemies of the Heart: The Weeds of Bitterness