Spreading the Gift of Jesus: Paving the Way for God

As we move closer and closer to the end of the year, with the holiday season in full swing, I think a lot of us can get a little “wrapped up” in gifts and festivities. Through all the hustle and stress, we can sometimes forget to leave our hearts open for God and fall back on His word. It’s important to remember that this season is for celebrating His love in its closest form—his gift to us, Jesus, our saviour.

“A voice of one calling: “In the wilderness prepare the way for the LORD ; make straight in the desert a highway for our God.

Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain.

And the glory of the LORD will be revealed, and all people will see it together. For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.” — Isaiah 40:3-5

In Isaiah 40:3-5, we are reminded of how we should clear the path for the Lord and His work. It is also seen prophetically, predicting God’s arrival on the Earth through Jesus.

But how do we clear such a foundation, while remembering Jesus’s work on our planet? 

While prayer, Bible study, and practising our faith in a Church setting bring us closer to God, we need to put into practice his words and Jesus’s teachings. During this Advent season, it is important to remember to spread God’s love to others, practice kindness and patience, and rejoice in the gifts God has given us. Despite the stress that comes with this time of year, we should practise resilience and gratefulness for all the wonderful family, friends and moments we have been blessed with. 

Jesus was all about lifting others up, providing for and helping the outcasted and poor, and spreading love and compassion to those He met. As God’s gift to us, we should continue his work, laying down the path for God’s love to enter our lives and the lives of our acquaintances. Loving others as we do ourselves, giving to those in need- not only do we assist in spreading Jesus’s message as our saviour, but we further open our own hearts to His enlightenment and abundance. 

So as we enter this blessed season, we should remember the words from Isaiah 40:3-5; to prepare the groundwork for the Lord’s abundance and practise Jesus’s teachings, in the spirit of his existence on our Earth. And as we do, we will touch other’s lives with God’s glory, spreading his love to everyone who needs it. 

In the midst of our holiday festivities, let our actions be a testament to the joy and hope that Jesus brought unto the world. In our homes, places of work and communities, may the light of Christ shine brightly through us, bringing others closer to His grace.

Heavenly Father, throughout our festive season, ensure we do not stray from the compassionate teachings of Jesus. Let us create a path for your love to enter the lives of others, through selfless acts of service and kindness. May we continue your work on this Earth, bringing our peers towards you, and spreading your message as an ever-loving, forgiving God. Amen. 

#blessings #Jesus #reasonfortheseaon #pavetheway #generosity #christmas


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