Our Generous God

I only know a generous God.

From my personal experience as a young child who talked to the God of the universe in her heart, to salvation and meeting Jesus at 16, to this present moment at 42. His generous hand in my life has been ever present. Provision, for me, has looked like a friend at the right moment, a word spoken in season, a mortgage we can afford, a godly husband who I adore, children from an infertile womb, His presence when I suffer, companionship when I am alone, a church to call home, clothes on my back, food on my plate.

We somehow always have enough of exactly what we need, even on one wage with five kids. I honesty believe that as you steward your life, your finances and time with small seeds of obedience, as my pastor says, goodness and mercy shall follow you.

“But the humble will inherit the land and will enjoy abundant prosperity.” — Psalm 37:11

“The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing,” — Psalm 23

Both these psalms talk on God abundantly blessing us Not only fulfilling our needs which he does but providing abundantly.

When I birthed my baby Samuel stillborn. I had no doubt that God was still good, and his love endures forever. His generous hand didn’t close up on us as we outworked grief, despair, sadness and anger. I saw His mark on the days that followed. The care and love we received from church and our community was abundant.

My circumstance wasn’t a blockage of his blessing. Losing Samuel wasn’t a judgment on me from him. I was still blessed even amongst our deepest sorrow. In fact it was my moment to love abundantly. To care and cherish my baby boy in the moments I had with him even in my own broken heart. It isn’t about being a multimillionaire and solving world hunger. (I honesty believe this issue could be solved) it’s about laying our very souls, our priorities at his feet and surrendering all.

In fruitful seasons we surrender. It’s not ours anyway. In dry seasons we surrender. We lay every request at his feet and we allow him to father us and say “no” and “wait”. We wait for his leading, his calling, his direction. We trust wholeheartedly that he only wants our good and desires to give us good gifts.

Paul said he knew what it was like to be both rich and poor and yet he exalted God in all seasons. Yes, God is capable of changing your circumstances from rags to riches, but it will be for his Glory. His story line. Everyone will be held accountable with what they have been given and how they used it. Finding our peace and our center and keeping our relationship with Jesus is far more important than financial blessing.

And yet God also blesses us financially. I am always happy to pray for provision for people. I pray others are abundantly blessed in all things, I know God can do that. I find gratefulness in what I have I find pleasure and joy in the lavender growing in our garden. The sunsets from my veranda. One of my absolute favourite things is to be able to bless people from our abundance.

Because it’s not mine it’s God’s. It is God working through us. I hope and pray weather I have less or more then I have today I will be a blessing to others. That I am a vessel of another’s breakthrough with all the glory to God.

#generosity #generousgod #psalm23 #grief #provision #abundance


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