Rewards & Motivations on Earth, vs. in God’s Kingdom

The world which we call home as humans, has drifted far from what God had perfectly constructed at the beginning. Once sin entered the world and selfish needs developed as a result, greed and power became motivators for many. In this blog, the treasures mentioned in Matthew 6:19-21 will be discussed, focusing on what is meant by ‘Earthly’ and ‘Heavenly’ treasures, and what it means for us as Christians.

In Matthew 6:19-21, it reads as follows:

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

The treasure that Jesus speaks of can refer to what we, as humans, see as a reward in life and what motivates our behaviuor on a daily basis. The Earthly treasures (verse 19), such as money and material objects, do not bring us closer to God and will not benefit our lives long-term.  In today’s world, the concept of materialism and consumerism can be seen everywhere. An emphasis is put on spending money and consuming more than one needs for survival. Characteristics and motives which are associated with these behaviours are not seen favorably in the eyes of God. Greed, selfishness, and impulsiveness are some of the characteristics associated, which go directly against the Fruits of the Spirit, mentioned in Galatians 5.

In verse 20, Jesus instructs people to store treasures up in Heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. This statement could make one possibly ponder, “But how can one store items up in heaven?”

It is important to remember that God’s Kingdom is built on the principle of love. John 3:16, which is probably the most famous verse, summarizes the important Gospel of Jesus Christ. He came to die for our sins so that we could be reunited with God. The aim as Christians is to spend eternity with God in Heaven. As implied in Matthew 6:19-21, we should focus our attention and effort on developing characteristics and behaviours in line with the example that Jesus set on Earth. These include helping the poor, spreading the Gospel, and showing people God’s love on Earth.

We will not be able to take our Earthly possessions with us —no matter how much we love our car, house, or clothing collection, nor does it matter how valuable these items are. We must decide which treasures we set our hearts on.

A key aspect to focus on in this section is verse 21, which states that whatever you treasure indicates where your heart is, or alternatively phrased, what your priorities in life are. The NIV refers to one’s heart.

The heart is a vital organ in the body, necessary for survival, yet is also a symbol associated with love. For decades, expressive works of art, such as poetry and songs, have been constructed around the idea of hearts being somehow involved in love. The fragility and vulnerability of the heart are always emphasized, such as hearts being given to lovers and hearts being broken.

Linking back to the verse, it shows how powerful the idea of one’s heart lying with their treasure is. The heart lying with the treasure indicates that a strong emotional connection has been created, which is hard to break. It is important to remember that we should not set our hearts on the treasures of Earth but should focus on the treasure of being with God for Eternity.

To conclude, Colossians 3:2 states:

“Set your minds on things above, not on Earthly things,”


It can be so easy to become influenced by the world around us, however, it is vital to keep our eyes upon Heaven. I invite you to do the following 3 things every day:

1.       Pray that God will instill a longing for our home in Heaven

2.       Pray that God will help us not to become attached to Earthly possessions and will rather focus on Him

3.       Allow God to direct you to where you can be a blessing to others and show His love

#blessing #kingdom #treasuresinheaven #value #thykingdomcome


Your Kingdom, Not Ours


Cultivating a Kingdom of Heaven or Kingdom of man?