A Letter of Encouragement from God [Don't Miss This]

I wrote this letter to myself when I was going through a difficult and discouraging season in my life. I wanted to memorize God’s truth in my heart, so I can remember it every time I felt discouraged. Writing this letter brought so much peace to my weary soul in that season of hardship. God’s Word is so powerful it cuts deeper than any two edged sword. The promises mentioned in this letter gave me hope and endurance to persevere during that season. I hope you too would receive the hope and love these promises are tainted with. Be blessed.

A Letter of Encouragement from God:

My beloved,Slow down. Don’t be in such a hurry. Learn to embrace your journey and don’t compare it to someone else’s. Enjoy each day as it comes.Take time to process your present, to be with Me and to do the things you enjoy.Breathe deeply every day and come find rest in my presence. I will reveal what’s to come for you. I promise to never leave you nor forsake you. This is my guarantee to you. My desire is to bless you, to make my plans for your life known to you.Seek me with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your might. I will show you, surprise you and amaze you with my overwhelming love for you.My thoughts are always higher than yours. That’s not a bad thing. That simply means I am in charge of your life, and your destiny. Better are my ways even if it means you have to endure temporary pain and turmoil.

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When you don’t get what you hope for or expect, keep this in mind. I am sovereign over every aspect of your life.

Let your heart take courage. Be brave, be bold and be strong. Allow yourself to be these three. You are capable.

Be strong, and let your heart take courage... - Psalm 31:24

Let your soul be steadfast. Be still and know I am always up to something good no matter your circumstances. Don’t give up on faith. Believe there is goodness in store for you because there is.Hold on to Me, your hope. Your triumph is unfolding, let it finish its process. I’m waiting for it to fulfill its purpose in you. I will never fail you.Give me your praise in every circumstance; in every season praise my holy name. Find your strength in Me, your joy.

  • Thank Me.
  • Honor Me.
  • Believe Me.
  • Trust Me.

Nothing is as strong and full of joy as Me.Let my words and truth lead you into my peace, love and joy. Do not forget my great faithfulness. I will finish all I have begun in you. I always begin with the end in mind. Trust me, your ending is beautiful. It’s far beyond your expectations.Just like I hold the stars and call them each by name, so do I hold you and have called you my beloved.

I will surely keep my promise to you, that you will rise in my victory. You may not have the strength or tenacity to get up and fight, but by Me and through Me you can do all things.

Your Heavenly Father,God


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