Adjusting Our Focus to What is Ahead

The Super Bowl is upon us and there are so many distractions leading up to the game on Sunday. Media day started on Monday and there are many interviews and appearances that the players and coaches participate in leading up to the most watched television show in America. There are so many potential distractions that are presented that could lead to a loss of focus on the game itself. The biggest stage of football in the world and a player can get distracted after the months and hours on hours spent preparing for this moment? It seems like no one could get distracted knowing what is at stake. Everything else should be considered nothing compared to the biggest game of a players career. One would think that every player preparing for this game could make it through one more week of preparation and rituals for the Sunday kickoff. But believe it or not, there are stories out there of teams and players getting caught up in the pre-game celebrations and their focus of the game taking a back seat.This reminds me of our journey as Christ followers. There are so many distractions that can take our attention away from our relationship with Christ and our eternal destiny. We are on a journey to celebrate in glory with Christ in heaven and we are often distracted by the petty things this world has to offer. We lose focus of why we are living and strive harder in our own power to make this life worth something. In Philippians 1:21, Paul says, “To live is Christ and to die is gain.” In Philippians 3:8, Paul says, “Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ…” Our life is to represent Christ as we await our presence in His eternal glory. The things of this world are for us to enjoy, but not at the expense of distancing ourselves from Christ. All that we seek and deal with on a daily basis should show that Christ is our treasure and not the things of the world. The way we deal with suffering should draw us closer to Christ through the reminder that He suffered on our behalf. The way we spend our money should reflect our sacrifice for others and not our desire for more earthly treasure. The way we love our spouse should reflect the way Christ loves the church.There are distractions that can have us longing for more on our short journey to the eternal glory of heaven. The one thing we should be preparing and awaiting for is the ultimate Treasure in heaven, Jesus Christ. Are the distractions of the world deterring you from drawing closer to Christ or are they drawing you into deeper intimacy with Christ?


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