After Orlando

It is with a great measure holy trepidation I begin to write. I imagine that many words will be spoken and written in the coming months around the tragic evil that happened in Orlando. Knowing that much of what will be said will add insult to injury and push its own agenda on and into the situation, I begin with an awareness that, “where words are many, sin is not absent.” I pray God would use my words to bring His love light, peace and Presence over people in shock, a city shaken, a nation heaving, and a society that is struggling to find its way.If by some chance my words are read by anyone directly affected by this awful night I just want to say I’m sorry. No words of mine will console you. I wish I could be there for you in person. Though I have never been the victim of terror, I know grief and loss and death. I’ve been to that club before. I was a resident of Orlando for almost 10 years. A big part of my heart is there. Though you cannot feel it now, God is with you in this. He loves you. His Peace and comfort are promised to those who mourn. I would just pray with you if you’d let me and stand by your side in the painful journey ahead in the coming months. I’d be a steady friend and support. Even after the crisis passes, when all support is mostly gone and you’re just expected to carry on with life as usual though it feels like betrayal to the loved ones you lost to do so, I would still be a loving consistent support. Take heart, this too shall pass.Heavenly Father may your precious Peace be so real and tangible in the lives of every person affected by this. Surround them with the love and support they need that they may heal from such atrocity and live lives that honor those they have lost. May Your people be a great blessing to individuals and families in their time of need. I pray that they would turn to you and not away from you. In Jesus Name, Amen.There is much to say, there are so many larger forces at work but it just doesn’t seem appropriate now. If we would pray more and speak out less, we would find ourselves on the side of good. If we would be love more, talk love less, we would find ourselves on the side of good. If we would pray for our enemies, we would find ourselves on the side of good. If we would not condemn those who do not live like us, we would find ourselves on the side of good.Every human life matters equally to God. You have never locked eyes with someone Jesus did not die for. There is no “us” and “them”. Every person is made in the image and likeness of God and all have right to life, justice and safety in the land. The problem many of us will personally face is that this is in our sphere of concern but not in our sphere of influence. The more we focus on what we cannot influence, we find our influence and authority in life actually shrinking. In this day and age, everyone has a voice. Be so dreadfully careful your actions and words are not shaped by ignorance and fear but by love. Be wise. Don’t attack what you are against. Champion what you are for. Don’t curse the darkness. Light a candle. Carry your light into the darkness. Then darkness will flee.Light is not found in a political system. Light is not found in a culture. Light is not found in an ideology. It is found in a Person. And in one Person alone.“In Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:4-5


If we do not understand the beauty of what we are looking at, we will look away


How To Navigate Tragedy (Like Orlando)