An Artisan Soul

Not too long ago I read a very empowering book called The Artisan Soul by Erwin McManus. In a nutshell, the book talked about how we are all creative artists because we come from a creative Creator, God. It says it right there in Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." But the problem for us is somewhere along our individual journeys, some of us recognize that innate part of ourselves to create and the rest are convinced otherwise.

Everyone Is Creative

Now for me that creative aspect and relating to God as an artist is easy because I’m pretty much 95% artistic. If it’s related to the arts, chances are I can do it. But I realize that this perspective isn’t easy for everyone, especially for those who don’t consider themselves an artist or even a bit artistic. But the truth is we all create. Your language of creativity is individual and different from my own. In order to be an artist, the idea is that you can create things. But creating is not simply narrowed to the realm of the arts as we know them. In fact, the word create simply means "to bring into existence, or to produce through imaginative skill."

Related Post: Who Are You When It Comes to Your Identity

So, how many of you have started a business? Or how about strategized a plan? What about orchestrated an in-depth procedure? All of those ideas had to be created, i.e. they had to be brought into existence by an original mastermind, a creative mind, you. You and I are artists in our own field, and no one can take that from you because it is part of your core original identity.

You Can Find Your Inner Creativity

Sometimes I wish we kept part of our child-like selves as adults. For a child, the idea of imagination isn’t foreign. It’s obvious. It’s how they communicate with the world and interact with it. Somewhere through our journeys of life, outside voices tell us that imagination is just child’s play and that to be an adult logic and reason is all that’s needed. The problem is the more we listen to those voices the more we lose a core trait that God intended for all of us to have, our ability to imagine.But the good news is, it’s not lost. It’s there waiting to be dusted off and brought to the surface. Recognize it and put it on display. Allow yourself the opportunity to imagine and create again, in whatever way you express it, and you’ll find that in doing this life will no longer feel mundane but that you’ll have a new outlook. A creative vision.


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