Being 'Normal' is Costing You More Than You Think

Normal is defined as conforming to a standard. To being usual, typical, or doing what is expected of you. Some synonyms for ‘normal’ are common, ordinary, customary, conventional, habitual, fixed, or traditional.

Is being normal a good or bad thing?

Based on the definition, being normal sounds good, right? If you follow the norms, you will never face questioning or  be in trouble. You would fit right in, and everyone in your circle would love and admire you. It sounds like quite the cushy, comfortable life we all hope for. Yet, when you take a closer look, you will see just how dangerous ‘being normal’ can turn out for you.Some examples of traditions/norms can include believing the teachings from childhood and never questioning it. Believing cultural/traditional rituals without ever questioning any of it. Believing that you can only reach so high, earn so much, marry a particular type of person, believe a certain way… etc.As a guideline, if it is anything that you feel ‘forced’ or coerced into doing, or you do it out of fear, then you may be operating out of an established norm/tradition. The motives behind why you are doing what you do are seriously important.

Related Post: Becoming Someone Different

The traditions of man or culture,, may create life limitations. Each society has its own culture, its own acceptable ways of living and of life. You can be ostracized and criticized if you go against the cultural norms of society.

A ‘normal’ life means that I have accepted the norms of my people and the limitations they impose on me.

The danger lies therein, because once we accept something as ‘normal’ we limit our ability to receive beyond that. ‘Normal,’ creates boundaries and stifles creativity, it discourages the unlimited life that God has for us. The way you see yourself, is what matters most.

You can’t change society or cultural norms, but you can choose your beliefs and change yourself.

God has a life without limits for you. Every time a limitation arises, as a stronghold, take it into your secret place with God. Meditate on His love for you, and on His word, and you will see the boundaries of those limitations removed.With Christ in you, there are NO LIMITATIONS on what He can do, and what He wants to do in your life and through you.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. - Romans 12:2

Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you. Allow the Holy Spirit to inwardly transform you through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes.


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