Are You Ready to Awaken Your Purpose?

Have you ever found yourself driving down the road, initially with purpose, then realizing you made it home without recalling if the last traffic light was red or green? You made several turns to arrive at your destination, but you cannot recall checking for oncoming traffic?  Your purpose of driving from point A to point B was accomplished, but it's almost as if you were not awake through it.I brush my teeth in the morning, drive to work, sit at my desk, eat lunch (if work doesn't prevent me from taking a break), get back in my car, eat dinner, and go to sleep, only to do it all over again tomorrow.When the waters are smooth, we often forget to steer the ship.Usually, something happens to remind us that life is precious and there is no guarantee for tomorrow. It can be as dramatic as the death of a loved one or something as subtle as a powerful piece of music. We are filled with jolts that put us into a state of awareness. During these times, we should reflect on recent activities and whether we are fulfilling God's purpose. Your purpose! These moments of awakening occur intentionally.

As St. John Paul II said, "It is Jesus who stirs in you the desire to do something great with your lives, the will to follow an ideal, the refusal to allow yourselves to be grounded by mediocrity, the courage to commit yourselves humbly and patiently to improving yourselves and society, making the world more human and fraternal."

Jesus is stirring in us and reminds us that we are to live an extraordinary life. Through His grace and love, we have a calling to a greater purpose. A calling to love one another.

Take a moment and reflect...

When was the last time you helped someone without expecting something in return? Have you recently done an act of kindness to show someone they are loved? We often get caught up in the regular day-to-day activities that we forget our true purpose. Is there someone you will cross paths with today who could benefit from your kindness? Is your work helping to improve the lives of others?Ask yourself if you are living on autopilot, causing as little disturbance as possible. Or are you courageously spreading God's love, serving others, and being purposeful in your actions?

In 2 Corinthians 8:7, we are reminded, "But since you excel in everything - in faith, in speech, in knowledge, and in all earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you - see that you also excel in this grace of giving."

We should strive to excel in everything we do, including how we treat others. In a time of turmoil and constant disagreement, we should remember to see each other as God sees us. Through loving eyes, we can find places of common ground. We can strive to improve ourselves and our communities, but we cannot do it alone. God has called us to fellowship.I encourage you to reach out to someone today. Move yourself. Your movement will create ripples, and those ripples can stir life and purpose into your fellow travelers.


The Single Best Way to Respond to Difficult Times in Your Life


Speak to Others as You Would Have Them Speak to You