My Decision to Become a Christian [Podcast]

Ellae Maisch is the founder of Live On Purpos3 ( she has also been writing on DailyPS (See her other posts) since 2015. We have the opportunity to hear her story of becoming a Christian in this episode. This is powerful story that has changed so many lives already. We're honored to have Ellae share it here!

"My Decision to Become a Christian Episode" Notes:

Ellae MaischIn this episode Ellae Maisch shares her story about becoming a Christian. Ellae shares her struggles in life before becoming a Christian, and how that changed after giving her live to Christ. Also, we hear about what Ellae went through with family and friends along the way.This is one of the most inspirational, powerful "becoming a Christian" story that we've ever heard. Ellae's story has been used by God to change so many lives both locally and globally. We encourage you to take 19 minutes to listen to this podcast episode; it is encouraging to everyone, no matter where you are on your journey.Here are the questions Ellae answers on this episode:

  • What was life before coming to Christ?
  • What was the process of you giving your life to Christ?
  • How did your family and friends take it?
  • What did your relationship with God look like?
  • What is your advice for someone who is searching for Jesus as you were?
  • Do you have any final thoughts and encouragement for us?

He's worth it. If you've already decided that you are going to follow Jesus, just jump in. Go for it. Surround yourself with people that will encourage you. God has so much in store for YOU. Go all in on your journey.

Continue Reading Ellae's Journey: 'YOLO' »


Trust in the Lord with All Your Heart Not Your Own Understanding


Be Merciful to Me, A Sinner!