Endings Are Bittersweet, But Great Reminders

Today is the last day I will see my students until next year. Maybe next year. Maybe ever. Maybe they move to a new city or state. Maybe I move to a new school. I don’t know what next year holds for myself or any student that I was privileged to teach and empower this year. It is such a bittersweet moment as the students walk the halls with the joyous smile that summer begins at the sound of the last bell ringing. It is bittersweet in the fact that I saw my students every day and now it abruptly ends with no telling what the future holds on my end or their end.However, it is also a great reminder that in every moment, the ending is inevitable and the process leading to the ending needs to include my best effort of love and encouragement. I can not live for the next day because the next day may never come. The present moment is the time in which I need to be fully invested. There is a reward for being fully invested both on my giving end and someone’s receiving end. A half-hearted investment results in a half-hearted return. God rewards diligence and rewards everyone according to what they sow.We have been given a Spirit of love, power and a sound mind for the good of others. We seek and please God by loving His people that He created. In our love for others we reap the rewards that God wants to provide and if we are faithful with little He can trust us to be faithful with much. The moments that seem insignificant can be the most significant with effort and love. Although the endings are bittersweet, I am reminded that love is the greatest free gift to be offered to others.Hebrew 11:6 - And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.Matthew 6:34 - Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.


God Is Forging You


Who do you want to be?