Christ is First in My Life Because….

Chris is First in My Life Because….

Christ is first in my life because He is magnificently first in everything.  It’s simply my recognition of who He is.   He is first because He is better than me at everything.  Anything I can try to do He can do it better.   He’s first because He passionately loves me.  There is nothing I can do to make Him love me more.  There is nothing I can do to make Him love me less.  He loves me perfectly right now.   He is first in my life because He is passionately crazy about me. Whether I’m doing well or not, whether I’m performing beautifully or not, whether I just sin miserably or not.  He is nuts about me.  He is crazy about me.  How can someone like that not be first?  When they make you first…He made me first in his life, He went to the cross for me, He thoroughly sacrificed himself for me, He made me first.  When I come to grips with that depth of love, His passion for me, it seems incongruent to allow anything else to be first. He’s got to be first. - Pete Briscoe

I Am Second

I really enjoy the “I Am Second” videos that shares testimonies of well known Christians.  The above quote is from Pastor Pete Briscoe from Bent Tree church in Texas. It really inspires me.  The way he describes God’s love for him, me, and you just resonates within me.  And the most beautiful part is that we can have the same effect on other people by sharing our testimony.

Your Testimony

God gives us each our own personal testimonies to share.  Each one is unique, and each one has a specific purpose in God’s grand plan.  But what better way to start off a testimony than, "Christ is First in My Life Because…"

Related Content: God Did It | My Testimony of Healing

...He never stopped pursuing me.  Countless times I turned my back on Him not wanting anything to do with Him or His religion.  But eventually that road became dark, isolated, and lonely. But God’s arms where right there waiting for me when I came back.I urge you to stop, take 10 minutes, and really think about your answer to “Christ is First in My Life Because…."  Jot down some notes, or relive certain memories where you knew for a fact God was there with you.   Then, go out and share it.


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