Christian Bloggers Wanted [The DailyPS Team is Expanding]

6 Months ago DailyPS began looking for more Christian bloggers to join the team and we had a great response! (Plus other leadership positions, see below.) We're looking to expand our writing team to 150 Christian bloggers. When this post goes live, DailyPS is at 115 contributors on our Christian blog website. If you'd be interested in joining the team, please continue reading below!Over the past year, our website traffic has increased drastically! We're already an established top 100 Christian blog. (Currently sitting at #87!)Truthfully though, being a growing top-rated Christian blog has never been our priority. We're ALL about helping people and leading them to Jesus through sharing our personal life journey's. We want to bring a positive perspective to the world - It's what we're all starving for right now. (Learn more about DailyPS here.) The entire DailyPS team gets excited when we reach more people because every Christian blogger on our platform knows we're reaching and impacting more lives.

If this community of Christian bloggers sounds like something you'd like to be part of, see the ways you can get involved below.

Before I get into how you can get involved, I need to let you know something first. No one has ever made a penny here on DailyPS, not even the founder, Alex Sanfilippo. Alex said the following, "We have always been a volunteer platform. We're all people who are passionate to help the world around us. We've found that when money gets involved, priorities are easier to mix up." With that said and before you decide you want part of what we're doing, make sure you're okay with not getting paid for your time.

Now that we've got that out of the way, here's who we're looking for and how to get started:

1. Content EditorsWe need experienced Christian bloggers who are willing to help us edit blog posts before they go live on the platform.Email:

2. Christian BloggersNow we're on to the primary area for recruiting right now. We're looking for people who are passionate to share their content on the DailyPS platform.Use the Submit a Post page in our top navigation or click here.

If you don't feel like you fit anywhere mentioned above, we have a way for you to help as well

We always need more people to help us by SHARING the blog posts on DailyPS. I encourage you to point a friend to our platform or share it on your social media from time to time. Who knows, you may be the one that leads someone to a blog post that needs it the most.

A note from our founder, Alex Sanfilippo:

"I want to personally thank the 100 people who have helped us grow so much over the past seven years. I speak on behalf of the entire DailyPS leadership team when I say this; we wouldn't be here without each of our readers. Thank you for your continued support and encouraging comments along the way! It means more than you'll ever know. I'm looking forward to continuing to grow and changing even more lives over the next seven years. Love you all, Alex Sanfilippo."


There are Times When Less is More


I Heard God Whisper, “Do you know how much I love you?”