A Motivational Christian Origin Story [Podcast]

In this first episode of the Paradigm Shift Podcast, Alex Sanfilippo, the founder of DailyPS.com talks about his motivational Christian origin story. Starting from a daily text message which turned into a worldwide top 100 Christian blog!

Show hosted by Alex Sanfilippo & Robert Bass. Notes by Virginia Anthony.

A Motivational Christian Origin Story - Show Notes:

God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called.

How often have you discredited things in your life that may have been a calling to act from God? Try not to overlook the small things, just because they start out small. This small thing you may overlook has the potential to turn in to something big before you even realize it.Even when we have a list of other priorities including personal accountability and professional obligations to complete each day, there is a pull that God places on our hearts, which is to serve others. Reaching out to people who are yearning to learn more about God is a calling we can't ignore.When you feel God calling you to act, especially if you don't think you are equipped to do it, it can be scary. Overcoming our own insecurities is a huge challenge that we all face. Challenges are not intended to stop us.

For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, do not fear; I will help you. Isaiah 41:13

The best time to plant a tree is 25-years ago, and the second-best time is today.

Don't let fear keep you from starting. Don't let the voice of doubt creep into your thoughts. Be obedient to those whispers of God and he will provide you the motivation and encouragement you need. Humble yourself and recognize that God is using everything you are doing. Remain faithful. Everyone starts somewhere. Submit yourself to God and have a heart to help people! Take one step!

Greatness and creativity is inside of each of us.

We may not feel we have everything we need to accomplish our visions and dreams, but God's empowerment is more than enough. Let the voice of the Holy Spirit empower you. You are extraordinary! Your gift will help people more than you will ever know. Greatness and creativity from God is waiting for you to take action!

Click Here to Listen to A Motivational Christian Origin Story on iTunes!

Resources mentioned in this podcast:

Question: Have you felt God calling you to do something that you don't feel qualified for? What two things can you do in the next 30-days to "take one step?"


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