Come As You Are

I live in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida. There are only a few things this area is known for. Really only one. TPC Sawgrass and THE PLAYERS Championship, one of the greatest and biggest golf tournaments in the world. The tournament does a few things for the community.

  1. It brings a lot of people and traffic for a week
  2. Gives a great economic boost the the community
  3. Creates national exposure for a small beach town

But the thing it does the most that I notice, is that it causes people to take action in a number of different ways. Most notably it springs people into action to clean up the city in which they live and make it look its absolute best. Everyone knows that there is no other time where that many people will come in Ponte Vedra Beach. The city hires people to trim the trees, housing communities put in flowers around their entrances, all the grass is cut, new table umbrellas put up at restaurants that can be seen from the road, etc.

Related Post: 4 Key Points for Building a Strong Community

In short people make the city they live in look pretty for a week. We aren't the only people that do this though. You do it too! When guests come over, or maybe your parents, you find yourself cleaning up or straightening. Or maybe if you are hosting a party. Or when you get ready in the morning, you clean up and put on make-up or brush your hair.

When we think people are going to see us, or how we live, we make sure to look presentable.

But the beauty of our God is that he actually promotes the opposite. COME AS YOU ARE!  God doesn't ask that you clean up before hand. He wants to see you as you are and live, or even talk to you. He actually encourages you to come as you are and be real. Now I'm not saying that you should never clean up or shower or comb your hair, but just know that God does not require you to do any of that.

Joel 2:32 ESV - "And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved"Isaiah 1:18 ESV - "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool."Revelation 22:17 ESV - "The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life."

Just know that while you may feel the need or desire to clean up for God, you should NOT. He accepts everyone who comes to Him... PERIOD!

What steps can you take to come as you are and just live? Leave a comment we want to hear from you.


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