COVID-19 Perspective: The Lens We See Through Decides Our View

I've chosen to maintain a perspective of positivity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Positivity doesn't doesn’t change our circumstances, but it changes us in our circumstances and makes our world a better place.In the midst of a world of crises, we come together as one while still attempting to cling to our individuality, to set aside self without losing self, to be useful without endangering others, the weight of our every move causing our world to seemingly halt, standing frozen in time, gaze fixed, wondering how the world will continue beyond here and now. Choosing carefully our next move, now realizing our actions will define us and our descendants, forever; history is being made.

The Great Depression ended in 1933, but I’m still responding to it.

My grandparents lived through World War II and all major historical events through 9/11. But this era of time, The Great Depression, they were so marked by, that when it was over, they never stopped responding to it. As a small child, when I would ask why my grandparents were doing something seemingly strange. I was told, “Because they lived through The Great Depression.”. My grandparents were so defined by The Great Depression, that they never stopped responding to it, even when the emergency had ended. They’re all gone now, but I still do certain things because it’s what my grandparents always did.

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My daily choice of how I am choosing to respond to Covid-19, is one of calculated tenacity for positivity. Why? Because one day, when I am no longer here, my granddaughter will continue to respond to Covid-19 in the way that I am choosing today. So, our response to chaos is calm. Our response to stress is peace. And our response to anything emergent is to run to God. I choose my response not only for myself, my community, and my world, I choose for her.

We come to a place as a society of asking ourselves, “What legacy will we leave for our grandchildren?”

As a young woman, thinking ahead to grandchildren may sound strange. But so etched on my being is the residue of a season I did not exist for. I can’t help but plan ahead. Reading the Word has become more than a pastime. It has become the tenacious pursuit of how much I can read and engulf and have become a part of me before quarantine has ended. Refusing to bow to the spirit of fear or be defined by an illness, come what may, whatever the cost, because choosing joy in the midst of chaos and confusion from a strong, passionate, and insistent desire to stay positive is a lifestyle and one I hope I carry to my grave, whether here or at the end of old age.Having peace and maintaining a positive perspective in the midst of a stressful situation because I know whose I am, and it’s ingrained in me, etched into my very being as a child of God and into my identity in Him, it is who I am. I am a child of God.


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