Seeking Wisdom

James 1:5–8 (ESV): 5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. 6 But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. 7 For that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; 8 he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.


One interesting aspect of modern society is the vast amount of knowledge that people have access to.  Never before in the history of the world have people been able to access this amount of information.  My son and I were talking the other day and we did not know the answer to a question.  His immediate reaction was to “google” the answer.  He is eight years old.  He will grow up in this world where google is step one in finding knowledge.  There is a very big difference between knowledge and wisdom.  Wisdom usually comes from life experience and learning lessons when we fall down.  True wisdom comes from only one source and that is from the Lord.  You see the problem with access to all this knowledge is that people are not building their lives upon any sort of firm foundation.  The waves of culture are tossing people every which way and people have been left dazed and confused.

We now live in the age of disinformation and information is carefully curated in 120 characters or 60 second videos.  There is hardly an issue in this world that can be summed up in that amount of time.  This is the reason that while access to facts is at an all time high; wisdom is quite possibly at an all time low.  We have taken basic facts that have been around for a couple of thousand years and we are told that they no longer are accurate.  For example, God created man and woman.  Since the beginning there has only been two genders.  Now that is all in flux and gender is based on a spectrum.  Yet no one can give a definitive answer on how many genders there actually are now.  Furthermore this supposed science of gender identity just does not exist.  This dangerous ideology has flowed into society with disastrous results.  It has torn apart families, caused irreversible damage to many people’s bodies.  This has all been done in the name of an ideology not facts and certainly not based on any wisdom.  The church has failed these people as well.  The church has failed to listen and has failed to stand on the firm wisdom of the Bible.  Instead of helping people and working to change hearts.  The church has allowed the culture to change the church.

2 Timothy 3:16–17 (ESV): 16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.


The Bible is the Word of God.  Every single word of the Bible is valid and true.  The Bible is sharper than any double edged sword and it will prepare you for everything in this life.  The Bible gives you the firm foundation that people need in order to live and thrive in a society that has lost it’s way.  It also has the blueprint for saving as many people as we can in the name of Jesus.  My entire goal in life is to help as many people as I can find Jesus.  I stand for Biblical values but I will listen and minister to anyone.  I have been in prisons, rehabs, old folk’s homes and countless houses.  I say this not to brag but to show you that Jesus calls us to all kinds of places.  It grieves the Father to see a world full of sin and He will provide us the wisdom that is needed to help our fellow image bearers.  When you go to the Lord in prayer this week, ask Him for wisdom and direction.  He will show you the way and the Bible is the blue print upon which we can build a God glorifying life. 




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