God is Detail Oriented

This past weekend I visited the happiest place on earth.  My little sister and I went to Disney World and had a blast acting like kids again.  The last time I went to Disney World was nearly 20 years ago.  This time I noticed and appreciated different things than I did when I was a kid.New Money First ImpressionWhen we arrived at the park the first thing you have to do is pay for parking.  This is not exactly the most fun part of the trip.  We paid in cash, and it was $17.  We paid with a $20 and the cashier had the exact change ready immediately.  Not only this, but the 3 $1 bills I got in return were brand new crisp $1 bills as if they were right off the print.New Money Last impressionAs we were leaving the park, my little sister purchased a Coke with cash.  The change she received was very similar to the change received from the parking attendant.  The coins were all 2014 coins, and appeared as if they were never before touched.Some would say that it may have been a coincidence, but I am confident that Disney thinks about these things and the difference made by giving someone new money versus giving them older money is very noticeable.James 5:11 (MSG)"...thats because God cares right down to the last detail."Matthew 6:26 (NIV)"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"Luke 12:7 (NIV)"Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."GOD CARES ABOUT THE DETAILSThink about some of the things that God has done for you throughout the years.  Think about the details that it took to get to that point.  God focuses on the details more than you may believe, He loves you enough to get into the details of your life.  Nothing is too small for God.  Take time to thank Him for that today.YOU SHOULD CARE ABOUT THE DETAILSNow think about how nice it feels to know that someone cares about your details and is there to help.  Take time today to pray for the details in your own life and those details in your friends and family's lives.  Show the same amount of care for others that God shows to you on a daily basis.Be Thankful that God Cares About Details


Keep your eye on the prize


Rise Up!