Do You Ever Feel Like You Aren't Good Enough to be Close to God?

Do you ever feel like you aren't good enough to be close to God? Do you ever think, "I need to be all put together and cleaned up in order to come to know God"? I know I have, but the truth is that those thoughts and feelings couldn't be further from the truth!There is a story in the Bible where Jesus encounters a leper and He doesn't just heal him, but He cleanses him. In Mark 1:40-42 NIV Jesus meets a man with Leprosy. He was not only able to make him clean, but He was so willing to do so. In verse 41 the Bible says that Jesus reached out and touched the man. The word touched in the original text means to handle or fasten oneself to. The Bible is saying that Jesus didn't just place His hand on the leper; He fully embraced his unclean body, and fastened Himself to the man.

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Jesus can and will do the same with you. He will reach out and take you into His arms and make you clean and righteous in the sight of our Father. (Mark 10:16 NIV) You only have to let Him.There have been times in my life when I knew I was saved and that God loved me, but I felt like I was just outside the gate to the kingdom. Something was blocking me from being truly intimate with God. One day it finally clicked that Jesus not only saved me from my sins, but His sacrifice washed every bit of dirt and sin off me. This realization helped me to know God as my Abba (Daddy) and not just my creator and savior. It gave me a whole new and intimate perspective on my relationship with Him.

You Are Good Enough to be Close to God

There are many things in this life that we go through that make us filthy or feel dirty. We must take these feelings of filthiness to the feet of Jesus and lift our hands in desperation to our God. (Psalm 28:2 NIV) The cleansing of sins and sickness is what allows us to have an intimate relationship with the one true God!God has so much more for us than to just be saved and say we follow Jesus. He has so much freedom for us to find and walk in. We must search and rely on God to free us from sin, addiction, depression, anxiety, stress, health issues, etc. Let go of all your past hurts, regrets and sins. Let Jesus heal and cleanse you, so that you can live your life in the freedom that Jesus died for you to have.Next time you are feeling like you aren't good enough to be Close to God; remember that he loves you more than you could ever know.


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