Enemies of the Heart: Anxiety

I was suffocating. I couldn’t breathe.

“Who am I? Why is this happening to me?”

Anxiety sat on me like a heavy weight. Fear, it draped over my shoulders and kept me from moving. It was trying to isolate me. The enemies' lies were trying to keep me silent. I thought I was struggling alone. I thought there was something wrong with me.

“Oh Lord, why am I in this prison? Is there a key to free me from this destruction? Will I make it to tomorrow? Will I ever reach the surface to be able to truly breath again? I can't keep drowning. I can't stay in this hopeless prison with death staring back at me. I need the keys to freedom. I need the keys to life!”

 Child of God! Child of God! Child of God!

 I release you from your anxiety and speak into you my perfect peace!

I release you from the world's constraints and give you my garments of praise!

I release you from a spirit of heaviness and place on you my clock of righteousness!

I release you from the power of your insecurities and tell you I have made you in my likeness!

My child, I have made you in my greatness!

My child, I have seen you in your darkness and still call you mine!

There is nothing you can do to earn my love and there is nothing you can do for me to stop loving you.

I see you and I know you. Find comfort and strength in me.

Your life means everything to me.

You are of infinite value.

You are finer than all my other creations and the most beautiful to me.

You are never alone, and I will never forsake you.

Sit with me and receive all my goodness.

Talk with me and hear how highly I speak of you.

Encounter my love for you and never live another day with fear for tomorrow.

For I alone know your tomorrow, and today I tell you I have a hope and a future for you that will exceed your wildest dreams.

So, will you have faith to believe in me?

Come, grab my hand and walk with me, for I am gentle and humble at heart.

 In just one moment the prison doors were opened! In just one moment I was healed from death's grip on me. I heard the voice of my Father saying, “Sarah, I love you and you do not have to fear.” The bondages of fear and anxiety fell off of me, and I could finally breath.

Glory to the King of Kings who made a way for me! Highest Praises to the lamb that was slain. For I grabbed ahold of the hem of His garment, and he turned to me! Thank you! Thank you! His radiant face smiled upon me, and I was forever changed. No longer will I let anxiety consume me. No longer will tomorrow hold me back from my today. No longer will fear be my focus. No more will I grasp for breath, for I have a life that God breathed into me. One full of power to take down the lies of the enemy. A life so abundant that is meant to overflow. So, I press ahead, in faith, knowing my King has overcome the grave.

Fear is not our future, because every day, we choose to leave it in the past. Will you daughter, and will you son, finally give all your cares to the only one who can lift them from your weary head? He is calling your name. Saying, “Come bring your worries to me and I will give you my perfect peace.” Be set free with one great exchange of fear and anxiety for peace and freedom. His hand is outstretched still. Will you let Him hold you up?

If I say, “my foot slips,” your mercy O Lord will hold me up. In the multitude of my anxieties within me, your comforts delight my soul.

Psalms 94: 18-19


Enemies of the Heart: Discouragement


Renewing The Mind: The Nuances of Grief, Faith, and Hope