I'm a dreamer... Are you?

Did you know that God has dreams for you? Often times He has many different dreams that we cannot even imagine possible. If we aren't careful and aren't constantly pursuing Him, we can get caught up in just one of the many dreams He has for us. You see, God has a mighty plan and purpose for you and it stretches far beyond anything you can even think or comprehend at this moment, but He believes so much in you that He has placed it aside for you; because He wants only you to fulfill it.

"God has a mighty plan and purpose for you and it stretches far beyond anything you can even think or comprehend at this moment."

god-have-created-you-for-a-reason-153He needs to train you where you are at to grow you into achieving that next step; next dream. Like a puzzle, each season and each part of your purpose fulfilled leads you closer to the bigger picture. But here is the catch: You can never stop trusting Him... Never stop believing His quiet promises that might have been whispered so long ago... Never stop dreaming and always remember when you have a big dream and a big calling, you are going to have days where you want to give up. There are going to have nights where you feel so overwhelmed you just don't know how you can continue on to pursue that dream and you might even want to give up. It's most important that on those days you learn how to go to the Dream Giver and fake motivation until you can get motivation!This is the time that you need to train your emotions to follow your goal, not lead you to it. Because the enemy is going to come at you, he knows your worth more than you do and you are going to have to learn to cut out the noise of the non-dreamers and soar higher with God being the only voice you hear! How many people give up at the end of the race? They feel like they can't see the finish line, that's where faith comes in and you have to keep a mental picture of your finish line. Because something you need to realize is that though your dreams are big, God has bigger dreams in-store for you and though it may seem hard, that's the training you have to go through to be able to get to where you need to be.

Related Post: Staying In The Fight

King David didn't become king until 15 years after he was anointed and given his dream from God. But he never gave up on picturing his kingdom, and I hope that this generation of world changers, difference makers, not just dream builders, but dream makers and dream achievers doesn't give up on themselves. You weren't meant to live a  Mundane every day life. You were meant to be extraordinary and change the world! So, my friend, do you know how valuable you are? Because, this world needs your dream to come true more than you need it to. Tell me, are you going to step up into your purpose? Are you going to cast your burdens away and let God take you to higher places? Are you going to join the dreamers?

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us. - Ephesians 3:20


I'm free! I'm free! I'm free!


Marriage Oneness – The Oneness Factor