I had the privaledge in the last couple of weeks to hear two great individuals speak about something they were passionate about.  And they had a very similar message.The two people are Joyce Meyer & Peyton Manning.  And no, they did not speak together.Manning gave his retirement speech, which if you haven't seen I would highly encourage you to watch it.  It was a very well written speech and he delivered it beautifully showing his emotion and joy from his many years playing the game of football.  The link to this is here and everyone should watch it whether you are a football fan or not.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFLvoTKCaKsThe word that he used throughout his speech and the overarching theme that I saw (other than his obvious sadness around leaving a game he has known for so long) was that of joy and the word "enjoy."  The thing he wanted people to know the most is that he enjoyed the game and the journey he was on.  He called out certain things he would miss, but he would miss them because of the enjoyment he got out of them.  Now a lot of you may be thinking that he should enjoy it, he played football for a living.  But the workouts, injuries, stress of gamedays and media frenzy is something that I cant even imagine.  Even though he had hard times throughout his career he only remembers the good things and enjoyed his journey.  He even quoted a scripture in his speech to close it out.2 Timothy 4:7"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."Now after I had the chance to hear his speech I was blessed to get to hear Joyce Meyer speak at my church this past week as well.  She said many things that I tried to write down to remember, but something she repeated stuck out...these are direct quotes from my notes..."Enjoy every step of the journey and enjoy yourself""Its not about what you do, its about your attitude""Enjoy where you're at on the way to where God is taking you"She even mentioned that if she had any regrets it would be that she didn't enjoy life as much as she should.Dont let all the minor things in life cause you stress and force you not to enjoy what you are doing. You should enjoy every single step of your journey, no matter what step it is.Think about today specifically, or yesterday and think about the times that you did not enjoy what you were doing....Now I challenge you to DO BETTER! Make today and the days moving forward fully focused on enjoyment.  It will make life so much more...well...enjoyable!In things as simple as eating and drinking God wants you to enjoy.  Just make it a point to do it!Ecclesiastes 9:7"Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for God has already approved what you do."  


Marriage Oneness – The Oneness Factor


He is Faithful