Ensured Success

"Why am I not successful in what I am doing right now...""I'm giving this everything I've got but it's not working...""I feel like I have been stuck here forever..."If you are an individual that has been striving to live a successful life, then you have probably asked yourself similar questions to these along the way in your journey. This is a place that I have been familiar with in my life and it wasn't until I started asking different questions that I began to receive answers. Once I realized that I was asking the wrong questions, I stopped and asked God what He thought of what I was doing to be successful...

"God, what is your success plan for my life?"

Have you ever stopped to think that what you are doing may not be what God has for you to do? Often we as believers forget that we are no longer our own. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) We may have our own plan and some things that we want to do. However, no matter how good our intentions may be, we need to remember that if we want to be successful in what we do then it needs to be God’s plan for us, not our own. I am not saying that the direction that you are going in is wrong. It may just be that you are focused on your own success and personal gain instead of the bigger picture of the success that God has for you.Years ago in my personal life, I had a goal to have a certain amount of money in my bank account before being out of my early twenties. I had purchased and paid off a nice sports car, and owned a rental property before the age of 21; things were on track and going very well. However, the economy took a very negative turn and messed up my plans. I realize now how unhappy I was through that season of my life, even when things were good; what was keeping me going was my drive to achieve my goals.

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Since this time, I have grown up a lot and now understand what it means to follow God's success plan for my life. Today, I am successful, not because I have that certain amount of money in my bank account, but because I am following God's plan for my life. The craziest part about this is that the plan isn't much different than my plan that I had for myself, what changed the most is my motivation and my reasoning for the success. Now both of these things are God focused instead of Alex focused.As you go through your day, think about the goals you have set for yourself, and then surrender them to God. Know that the success that He has planned for you is far greater than what you have for yourself. Always remember that God will ensure success in accordance with His plan; not our own. Success is obtained by trusting God's plan and surrendering our own.[easy-tweet tweet="Success is obtained by trusting God's plan and surrendering our own." via="no" hashtags="DailyPS"]

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.Proverbs 3:5-6Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.Proverbs 16:3


Why Did It Have To Be The Cross?


I'm free! I'm free! I'm free!