The Nature of Failure

If you wish to succeed, you will fail. Let that sink in...If you seek any worthy endeavor, there will be days of failure. Days of giving all you have to give and coming up short. Days of letting down the ones you care most about. You will have to accept this, because if you don't, you will be one of those who stay forever frozen in the strong grip of the safe and comfortable. Destined to repeat the past and conforming to culture.The all important question is what will you choose to do when you fail? Will you let it define you? Those who do shrink back not taking hold of the dream of their heart. But that's not you, not anymore! God has put a new mind in you. A mind controlled by The Holy Spirit; who is life and peace.

You can see failure differently.

You know the truth. When failure comes, it reminds you that you are daring greatly for something this world has not shown you, something only God could have planted there. A dream so small and precious but you see the potential growth that could make a difference in the word.

Related Post: Failure Is An Option

Failure is merely feedback that your current choices and strategies are not working. It is time to adjust. You still rely too much on your own strength and understanding, not yet trusting in The Lord to make straight your paths. You acknowledge again that He is Lord and what He has called you to isn't just hard. It is impossible. And it cannot be done without the power of the Living God within you and His precious wisdom.[easy-tweet tweet="Failure is merely feedback that your current choices and strategies are not working. It is time to adjust." via="no" usehashtags="no"]

His grace is sufficient for you.

His strength is made perfect in your weakness and His divine power has given you all you need for life and godliness. Today, His mercies are new. And you begin again...

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. - 2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV


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