Finding Purpose in Your Career [Podcast]

In the fourth episode of the Paradigm Shift Podcast, Alex Sanfilippo interviews Kaytie Zimmerman on the topic of finding purpose in your career. Kaytie is the founder of Optimistic Millennials and is also a paid author on Forbes. You can listen to the podcast through YouTube or you can click here to listen on iTunes.

Finding Purpose in Your Career Show Notes:

Question: What would you say to people who feel like they aren't living out their calling in their job?

Calling is not equal to a job. A job can complement a calling, but a calling can be lived out beyond the walls of a career.Romans 12:1-2 (MSG)

Question: What could we as Christians do to be intentional about pursuing our purpose?

Comparison kills contentment. We all have different callings according to the gifts and skills we have received. It's pointless to waste our energy trying to live someone else's calling.Romans 12:4-6 (NIV)

Question: How can you spread your faith at work?

1. We may be the only Bible some people ever read.2. You don't need a major platform to live out your faith through your work (calling). Salvation is usually a result of a quiet invitation.

Question: Any concluding thoughts to share with us?

We don't get to know our whole story. Many of us want to know our lifelong purpose, but sometimes our purpose is brief or short-term. Your purpose for the next 5 minutes may be different than your lifelong calling. Our God given purpose is not about us. If we sense a selfish ambition for a platform or popularity in a potential calling or pursuit, we should question our intentions.

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