Say, Do, Follow Through

How often do we say we are going to do something and then never follow through?How much weight do our words actually hold?Just like the boy who cried wolf, when we say something to someone, do they believe what we say or do they brush it off because it bears no weight or value.How many times have we tarnished our own name by going back on the words that have exited our mouths?

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When we bail on showing up for an event, when we forget to follow up with people, when we don’t do what we say we were going to do; that’s how people lose trust in us, that’s when people stop asking us to step up and lend a helping hand.By devaluing others with our actions, we in turn devalue our own names.We have the opportunity to be better, to rise to the occasion, to take charge, and to leave a legacy. It all comes down to following through with what we said we would do, long after the attitude in which we said we would do it is gone.

Following through despite how we feel is the truest sign of our character.

Your temporary exhaustive state of mind will pass; don’t allow your relationships and potential future opportunities to pass with it.

Do what you said you would do and always follow through!

In the rarity when you personally have absolutely, positively, no way of following through with your word, find someone who can follow through for you. Find someone who can take that thing further than you ever could, set them up to succeed as you wish you could in that situation.For the sake of looking back on things that you have said or done that have possibly already tarnished your name, no need to fear. The following line has helped me in the times I have felt as though I did not follow through with the best of my ability.

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” – Isaiah 43:18-19 NIV

There will not always be proof of things lining up and adding up. We will blindly have to trust in God above the situation and logistics of it all. To put our wanderlust minds at ease, God never expected us to be perfect. He has given us free will, fully knowing that we would get it wrong from time to time.Hold tight to these words and trust that God will turn the curse of your past to a blessing in disguise.


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