Find Your Front Porch

I said something in last week's post that spurred me to write a follow-up piece.  At the end of last weeks entry I made a challenge to those who read it...
"Take a moment and be still (yes I know it's not as easy as it sounds) and just enjoy the presence of God."
The portion here I wanted to focus on this week is the "be still" portion of it.
When I go home (Gaffney Shout Out) there are a lot of things that I enjoy taking part in.  One is something that my mother does many mornings, and I commend her (and am jealous) for it.  She will wake up, go for a walk, them come back and fix a cup of tea and sit outside on the the porch.  And just sit.  Sometimes she reads, sometimes she listens to music, sometimes she just sits and listens to nothing.  In these moments, I love going out with her and enjoying her company and being still from the craziness that I know is happening everywhere else.  When I think of the he concept of "being still" I picture my mom on the front porch in Gaffney, SC doing just that.
Think about it.  If someone is trying to talk to you and you are doing something else, it's much less likely you are going to hear everything they say.  God speaks to us best when we are still and making a conscious effort to listen to Him.  Again, I understand what I am asking, but in the grand scheme of things it really should be something you WANT to do, not are forced to do.  I'll be honest, I didn't realize that I needed it until I experienced the peace that came along with it.  Then it became a little more desirable.
So my challenge again this week is to be still.  Find a place and a time you can do it and see what happens.  Jesus did it in the height of His ministry while people were looking to kill Him (Matthew 26:36-46).  Find that place where you can hear a "still small voice." (1 Kings 19:11-13)
Go still.

Keep on being filled up with the Holy Spirit.


Revival begins with humility