What Are You Giving Your Life To? [Living with an Eternal Perspective]

The scriptures remind us time and time again how little we are and how short and fleeting this life is. The Bible says in Psalm 103:15-16 NIV, "The life of mortals is like grass, they flourish like a flower of the field; the wind blows over it and it is gone, and its place remembers it no more." Giving your life to something bigger than yourself is what makes it meaningful.It is a scary thought but it is perhaps one of the most important reckonings to ever face; that of your own death. If we are lucky we get 70 years on this Earth;

  • Spring comes and goes 70 times
  • Summer comes and goes 70 times
  • Fall comes and goes 70 times
  • Winter comes and goes 70 times
  • Anything past this is more than a blessing.

How many of these 70 seasons have you lived already?

As sobering as this is to think about, it certainly brings fresh perspective. Are the trials you face really that bad? Are your current endeavors really that worthy? Even though the scriptures constantly remind us of the brevity of this life; they constantly remind us of the breadth of eternity.

"All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord endures forever." 1 Peter 1:24-25 NIV

The only thing that truly lasts is the Kingdom of God. People will remember things done with eternity in mind. Here is a tough question to ask yourself: What are you doing that will endure a 100 years after you are gone? Will anyone past your grandchildren even remember your name?

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Are we living today with an eternal perspective?

What have you done today or plan to do this week, to build Gods Kingdom or serve your neighbor? I ask it again: What are you giving your life to; the Kingdom of the God or the kingdom of man? If I am honest, I spend far too much time on the kingdom of man.


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