When God Interrupts Your Plans

Last week, during my morning commute, I was listening to the one of my favorite radio stations. A woman (let's call her Jane) called in to share about an experience she recently had.She began by stating how she woke up late for work and was rushing to get ready. Already 20 minutes late, she was driving down the highway and saw a man on the side of the road. She felt led to pull over, so she did. The man asked to use her phone so he could make a call. Jane hesitantly gave him her cell phone and he proceeded to call 911. As she continued to listen she realized he was calling to report a suicide…his own.She sat there in disbelief as he communicated with the operator. After he hung up, she sat and prayed with him until an ambulance came. Long story short – he did not commit suicide that day.This story struck me in powerful way. Jane being late for work allowed her path to cross with a man who needed to hear about God’s grace and forgiveness.It’s easy to get wrapped up in the life we've been given that we forget to tune into the One who gave it to us. We’re so busy, so distracted, that we don’t realize when God is trying to re-direct our attention.

We must be willing to let God interrupt our schedules and change our plans as he sees fit.

It's easy to get bent out of shape when things don't go as planned (I'll be the first to admit that I do at times). But maybe, just maybe things are going according to plan - just not our plan.

Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand. - Proverbs 19:21

What if, instead of being so focused on ourselves, and militant about our schedules and to-do lists, we surrendered our time to God? What if we asked him to help us be more aware of opportunities to share the truth and show the love of Christ? What if we prioritized obeying the promptings of the Holy Spirit regardless of our own preferences and insecurities?Jane’s alarm didn’t go off that morning for a divine reason - God wanted to use her to save a life. And you know what? He wants to use us in the same way.Everyday God gifts each of us with opportunities to share His love, grace, and truth with those we come in contact with - but do you notice it? Many times we are too focused on our inconvenience rather than His purpose.

Jesus said, "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me." - John 10:2

Let us be a people who don't merely hear, but do (James 1:22-25). Who follow Christ's example, laying down our own preferences for the will of our Father in Heaven so that we may show others the love, grace, and truth found only in Jesus Christ.


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