God is Always with You, and He’s Never Too Busy for You

Despite how poorly we feel about ourselves at times, God is always with us. In fact, I believe God is with us so deeply that he is never too busy for us. God is the ultimate craftsman; his heavenly actions are the antithesis of multitasking and mass-production.That may sound far out to say, but I believe it’s true. Bear with me while I share a passage and a sci-fi explanation.

Genesis 1:27 - So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. (ESV)

Before we get to the creation of humankind, God has just spent several days creating everything else in the universe. But if we read carefully, we realize he doesn’t multitask. He spends meticulous amounts of time with each step of his process. However, it goes deeper than that.

Genesis 2:18 - Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.” (NASB)

As we can see, it turns out God didn’t even multitask when he made man and woman. He made each person separately, uniquely, and with great attentiveness.He has the same level of vigor when he created each one of us. He is with each of us from the cradle to the grave—and then some.

God is Always with Us

Here’s the tricky part. How can God be multiple places at the same time without being a multi-tasker? How can God care deeply for billions of people at once?Well, the easy Sunday School answer would be that God is omnipresent. And that’s true. God is omnipresent or everywhere simultaneously. However, that doesn’t mean God is multitasking.

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I’m not a theologian, but I’ve hypothesized that God gives each of us his full attention. He is not subject to our laws of time and space. He has the power to spend an entire eternity with each of us and never run out of time. Each of us is a work of art that he stays with until it’s complete. He has no need to abandon us or go do something else “more important.”

If you think you’ve done something so bad that God will leave you, have no fear. God isn’t going anywhere. Put your trust in him as he is with you to the end.


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