God Is Preparing You For Greatness

Dear God,I have given it my all. I have given my life everything I have within my heart and soul. No matter how much effort I put forth, no matter how hard I work, I still fail. I am sick of this. I am miserable. Is this my calling in life? Why are you not present in this struggle?Forever Yours,Michael

Michael is not a real person, and yet he exemplifies what some of us are going through every day. Michael is experiencing 'The Struggle'. But, what does God think about 'The Struggle'? This is how I believe He would respond, based off of my minute understanding of Him. Please accept it as such. Enjoy!My son,First and foremost, I love you. I don't want you to ever forget who I am. I am present in every aspect of your life, I know you better than you know yourself. I have each hair on your head numbered, every thought cataloged, and your entire life is before me.There is no doubt, what you are doing is difficult. What I have called you to is going to be a struggle. But son, I will tell you this; Those who are called to do extraordinary things have the toughest paths. My son, your struggle is not because I have abandoned you, it is because I am with you. You will do great things in your life, but right now, I am training you.My boy, I have plans for you to some day be a pastor. You will lead a great multitude of people, you will show them love, and I will work through you to save souls. The truth is, son, you could not handle that position right now. For what I have called you to do, there is an immense amount of training that you must undergo in a very short period of time. A pastor's duties go well beyond simply preaching on Sundays, that is the part you see. What you don't see is the months of preparation that go into that sermon.Right now, you are failing. Son, keep your chin up. Don't quit. I am teaching you perseverance. Some day you will have a wife and children to lead, provide for, and support. Your problems and stressors won't simply go away, you will have to learn how to balance your work and family, and that is precisely what I am teaching you at this very moment.In addition to perseverance, I am teaching you work ethic and time management. I am teaching you to work more efficiently and without distraction. When you become a pastor, you will have a family and the duties that are associated with such a position. There will be times when all you have time to do is work and care for your family. There will be times when you wake up at 5 AM so you can accomplish everything that you need to do that day. And son, let me tell you what - You will love every second of it, because you will be walking with Me.You have lofty goals, and I have lofty goals for you - bet let us not jest... if this path were easy, everybody would do it. In the meantime, find joy in your work, and remember that my plan is to prosper you, not to harm you. Work diligently in what you do, plan your time, and honor Me - you will find that your path becomes far more rewarding.Sincerely,Your Loving Father


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Don't Fix a Weakness at the Expense of a Strength