Good Surprises, Don't Doubt God

This past week I experienced a few pleasant surprises in regards to the teams that I pull for in a few different leagues...

  1. Tennessee vs. Kentucky - Mens College Basketball
  2. Charlotte Hornets vs. Cleveland Cavaliers - NBA Basketball
  3. Denver Broncos vs. Carolina Panthers - NFL Football (SuperBowl)

In each of these instances I went in pulling for one team (the one in bold).  But while I was pulling for them and really hoping they would win, in a couple of the instances I didn't even watch the game due to the fact I thought there was very little to no chance of winning.The Tennessee game I was out with my girlfriend and didn't even know the outcome until she informed me later (about the same time as my phone alerted me).  I was so excited that I went back and watched the entire game which I had taped.The second instance I found out from a friend who watched the game and was pulling for the other team (Cavs).  She sent me a one word text that made me aware of the Hornet's victory over Lebron and the Cavaliers.The third instance was obviously the Super Bowl and I watched that one even though I thought the Panthers would win.  But I learned from my first two instances and watched Peyton Manning win his 200th game!In short, in all of these instances I didn't have any confidence in the team that I pull for and have history with.  While I love them all and am a huge fan, I didn't believe they had any chance of winning...thats where I was wrong.How many times in your life do you think God can't or won't answer your prayer.  Or maybe you think something is impossible like healing, financial struggles, relationships, etc.  You have a relationship with God and love Him but sometimes the opposition appears to be too strong or formidable.  When we come upon opposition like that we immediately begin to doubt and come up with reasons why God can't do something...we give up, and don't even want to watch.Think about the Israelites coming out of Egypt.  They experienced being let go by Pharaoh as a result of the seven plagues, then immediately assumed they were dead when they came up on the Red Sea.  When they were proven wrong there they still doubted as soon as they got hungry. Ultimately God kept proving them wrong, only Moses was a true God "fan." (Story can be found in Exodus)I encourage you to be a true fan and have confidence in the God that you have a strong relationship with.  God has done a lot for you and given you life everyday.  Don't give up just because opposition comes up, have faith that even if it you appear to be way outmatched, God is eternity's best underdog story!Have some confidence...God is always the favorite, regardless of what you think/feel.  Pray that way, speak with others that way, He won't let you down! 


Ever had a flat tire?


God is not our employer, He is our Father