Grace Wilson (July 3, 1922 - March 31, 2015)

A couple of days ago I attended the funeral of my grandmother, Grace Wilson (Gracie). She was born in Panama on July 3, 1922; her life was full of love for music, dancing, swimming, writing, family and having fun with the people she loved. Gracie was also a woman of faith. She loved Jesus and was one of the most faithful people in prayer that I have ever known. My grandmother is the inspiration for this post today.During the funeral I can remember sitting there with tears in my eyes as I listened to family members speak at the funeral. In that moment, I looked around the room and saw a place full of people that truly loved Gracie. As I sat there, I thought to myself, "What an amazing accomplishment, at the end of your life having so many people filling a room in remembrance of you." The people around me loved, cared and greatly missed Gracie. She was an inspiration and encouragement to us all.Sitting there with tears streaming down my face, I began reflecting on some truths about life that I want to share today:Death is a part of life.Not a single one of us is born into a life that will last a long time. The 92 years that Gracie lived seems like a long time, but if you think about it, how much of 92 years has already passed for those of us reading this? What has already passed didn't seem very long, did it? I do not write this to be depressing at all, I write it to help drive the point home that life on earth is short. Each of us will spend eternity somewhere; what we do in this short life determines where we will spend eternity. I can write with confidence that I know Gracie is in Heaven with God.

"And the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God who gave it."Ecclesiastes 12:7

Be an impact.The decisions you make in this life determines how you will spend eternity. Gracie's final act in this life was to bring all of her family together one last time in her name. Seeing the entire family together reminded me of how well achieved each of her children are. Gracie made a huge impact on this earth, where I am today is because of the influence she had on my mother. As I mentioned earlier, Gracie was faithful in prayer; she loved God her father. She was just as focused in building her legacy in eternity as she was with building it on this earth. Gracie loved God, and she loved people.

"And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony." - Colossians 3:14

Walk in joy.If Gracie could tell her entire family one thing right now, it would be for us to be happy and joyful. She would tell us that she is in a better place now and cannot wait to see us with her. That is the type of person that Gracie was, she understood the importance of being joyful in all situations. Life is short and it is meant to be enjoyed and lived at the fullest.

"I perceived that there is nothing better for them than to be joyful and to do good as long as they live." - Ecclesiastes 3:12

Always remember.Gracie passed from this life into eternity with God, Tuesday, March 31, 2015. With tears in my eyes, I watched her casket get carried off after the funeral... She will be missed and we should never forget the life that she lived. The woman that she was is reflected in the life of her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. We should not remember in sadness, but in joy because we know that she is now in a greater place.

"Weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning."Psalm 30:5


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