Have You Ever Prayed the Words, "But God..." Before?

We all face and will face situations in life that are beyond us. Our God is the God of the impossible and the miraculous. When life strikes you out, God steps in.The word but is a conjunction. Per Google dictionary, a conjunction is used to introduce a contrasting idea against what has already been said. It also indicates the impossibility of anything other than what is being stated. Do you need a miracle? Are you in a season of impossibility? Do not fear, but God is near!

But God, I'm Waiting!

When you are waiting for a miracle, look back on the moments God has proven faithful in your life. Hebrews 11 is the chapter considered the hall of faith. It lists ordinary men and women of God, who were led by faith, to do extraordinary things. When you are in a situation that feels impossible, look back at the moments God has proven faithful in your life. Make a list of these times, make your own hall of faith.

  • I did not like my job, but God....
  • I didn't have the finances for a new vehicle, but God....
  • My marriage was in trouble, but God....
  • I didn't have the courage to step out, but God....
  • I knew the addiction needed to stop and I couldn't stop, but God...

Everything Changes in a Moment

This is a contrasting moment. This is the moment when everything changes. When the day began, it was just another day, waking up to the same problems as the day before, week before, month before, and nothing has changed. But today, this is the day God shows up, and everything changes.In Acts 3, we meet a man who has been unable to walk from birth. In his whole life, he has never known or tasted the freedom of walking. He relies on others to take him from place to place. And now, as a man, he must rely on others to provide money for his needs. Each day, he is dropped off at the entrance of the temple, where he can beg for alms from the people before they enter the temple. Each day has been the same, and nothing changes. In fact, there is probably no hope in this man that anything will ever change for this is how it has always been, but God, on this day, does the unexpected. He shows up and gives healing, through Peter and John, and the man's legs are instantly made new, and he walks!

Just Because It Hasn't Been Done Doesn't Mean It Can't Be Done

In John 9, there is a man who was born blind from birth, but Jesus heals his vision.

Never since the world began has it been heard that anyone opened the eyes of a man born blind. John 9:32 ESV

Just because it hasn't been done doesn't mean it can't be done.Tenney says, "(Jesus is) the pivot on which human destiny turns." We are all born spiritually blind, with a need to find spiritual truth. For some, they believe they possess the answers to this need. For others, they recognize their own blindness and admit their weaknesses. Those who admit their blindness find sight in Jesus."We are all called to be the light of the world (Matthew 5:14). Light gives the eyes something to see. We cannot give others eyes to see, but God can.

But God, Why?

We were all spiritually dead and following the ways of the world and living in the passions of our flesh. But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which he loved us made us alive from our sins and because of His grace, we are saved (Ephesians 2:4-5).I remember the pivotal moment in my life when everything changed. My husband wanted out of our marriage, and I was tired of trying to save my marriage with no results. Unsure of what to do, I started attending a local church. It was a Monday afternoon, and I saw a message that tore my heart in two. In that moment, I did something I hadn't done. For the first time, I prayed. I said, "God, I give you permission to enter my marriage."In that moment, my life changed as I recognized my own limitations and admitted to God that I couldn't do it on my own. That moment was the pivotal moment that changed the course of life for our family. Today, almost five years later, my husband and I have a wonderful marriage, and we are both engaged in ministry part-time. God changed everything for us, and we want to give everything back for Him.

Related Post:  The Relationship that Completely Changed My Life

So, when you feel unworthy, that this world is too much, remember, but God loves you, He created you, and He choose you. Today, continue to do the ordinary things and let God do the extraordinary.


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