Have You Ever Told God to Wait a Minute?

I was listening to a radio station as I was driving into work one morning. The hosts were talking about their kids. They were sharing how they feel like their kids are the smartest in the world and that they were surely other people who felt the same about their kids. Anyone who has kids can relate to their point; your children are your world and the most special things on earth.

Have you had your kid come up to you when you are busy and ask for something?

How many times have you said to your kids, “Just a minute”? Only to have that minute turn into 10, 20, 30 minutes before you get around to see what they want/need. Then later in life (or maybe not that much later), your kids give you a dose of your own medicine and tell you “just a minute” when you need to talk to them. It doesn't feel terrific. “What on earth could be more important than talking with me,” you might ask.

Do you ever tell God to wait “just a minute”?

I literally told Him that before writing this post. When I felt the Holy Spirit telling me that he had something he wanted me to share via Paradigm Shift, I said, “Right after I get done with this.” You see, I was at work and was working against a tight deadline. I was in the office from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm the day before working on a project that is due by the end of the day. That morning I was making great headway. I didn't want to fall behind schedule on my project, and that is why I told God, “just a minute.” However, as I kept working, I felt the Holy Spirit pulling at my heart, saying that he really needed me.

That's when I started thinking about what I just did to my loving father.

I completely gave God the Heisman and didn't even realize it. While I was so wrapped up in earthly things that I lost sight of the greater picture. My priority on earth isn't to complete projects for the secular world; it’s to live all out for Jesus Christ. With me telling God, “just a minute,” I was telling him that I had other more important things. When I slowly started to realize how I had treated God, I started to tear up. It broke my heart to think that I was telling God I had more important things to do than talk to him. Can you imagine saying that to your kids, nephews, nieces, or kids in your Sunday school class?

Has God ever told you to wait until he is done with something?

Sure, he tells us plenty of times to wait before proceeding with something or someone. But that is not what I am referring to. Has God ever said he is too busy to talk to you and listen to your prayers/concerns because he had more important things going on?

Related Post: Are You Too Busy? Why We Need Margins in Our Lives For God to Work

We are God’s beloved children. Like most of the parents in the world, he looks at his child (You!) and thinks you are the most special thing on earth. Anytime we pray or need to talk to God, he drops everything to listen to us. Are you doing the same when God speaks to you? If you don’t feel like God speaks to you, I want to encourage you to pray to God and ask him to speak to you. He may speak through music, books, journaling, feelings, other people, or it might be directly from him. God is a personal God and speaks to each person differently.Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a project that God and I need to finish today!


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