Have You Looked Back at What You've Asked God for?

Look back at it. It’s a common saying, and I know that it could be taken the wrong way depending on the context of this saying. However, when put in a spiritual context, it will all make more sense.

"He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" - Micah 6:8 (ESV)

As believers in Christ, we pray to God. We ask Him for things. We do our devotionals. But do we ever look back at it?

Let me explain this. At the end of your devotional week, do you ever look back at the things you’ve prayed for in alignment with the things God has revealed to you in your quiet time? Do you ever look back at your week to see what God is trying to show you?The same can be said for our prayer life, we pray, we ask God to reveal things to us, to challenge and change us, to move in us and our lives, but do you remember what you prayed for when your heart is no longer suffering and struggling with the same things?

Related Post: Thankfulness NOT Forgetfulness

Prayer jars are not just for the holy rollers of the church. I have a running prayer request jar and answered prayer jar in my home. My husband and I write our prayers down and date them not to forget what God has placed on our hearts in each season. When a prayer is answered, we write it down and date, to never forget the amazing blessings God has given to us, no matter how big or how small.

Never make yourself too busy to look back at what God is trying to show you or answer for you.

Too often, we forget what we prayed for. When God gives us something, we don’t see the magnitude of the blessing it may be. We too often get swept up in the busyness and consistency of our day-to-day routine and overlook the healing, blessings, favor, grace, and freedom God is giving us.I challenge you with this; if you desire to see God more in your prayer life, make your version of prayer jars.Do you desire to have God reveal more to you through His word? Set aside reflection days.

  1. Weekly reflection time.
  2. Monthly reflection time.
  3. Quarterly reflection time.
  4. Yearly reflection time.

LOOK BACK at all that God has shown you, let each week, month, quarter, and year add up; and then you will truly see all that God is revealing to you. Not just a day-to-day routine that feels mundane and generic. There is true value in understanding the bigger picture than just the day-to-day.

When your days add up and line up, your hunger and desire for more revelation grow stronger and stronger!


The Responsibility of Being Unique


The Evolution of My Relationship with God