High In The Sky And Closer To God

It wasn’t until I recently flew home from a trip with my husband to Atlanta last month, that God placed this on my heart. A couple of years ago I’ll never forget going skydiving with a very good friend of mine. We had the time of our lives. I have never felt so free and scared at the same time. I remember calling out to God, thinking that I could reach out and touch him in one of the clouds. For some reason, I felt closer to God in that teeny tiny aircraft at that time.As the aircraft continues to ascend, my prayers began to ascend with it. I started to pray harder and harder, the higher and higher we got in the air. Only for a brief moment did I consider saying a prayer before we took off from the ground.Why is it that I did not feel the need to pray when my feet were on the ground, but it wasn’t until my life was potentially in danger that I was praying? Or you could even turn this around. Do you find yourself praying when life is going great, and you couldn’t be happier? But when things become troublesome do you often forget how to pray?As Christians, sometimes we feel like our prayers are only needed when we are in trouble.But can I tell you? As I continue to walk in my Christian life and begin praying prayers of Thanksgiving, prayers of gratitude, prayers of thanking God for blessing me with my life and my trials. You see, our prayers shouldn’t just be for times when we are in trouble.Related PostDoes Prayer Really Work?When you wake up in the morning, or when you go to bed at night, or any time during the day, pray to God a prayer of gratitude. Try it… You might like it.When you turn your prayers from pleading and begging into yes and amen, I agree even though I don’t understand you will be surprised how your perspective changes."This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. 15 And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him." 1 John 5:14-15 NIVGod wants to hear from us through the good times and the bad.How often do you find yourself praying to God, thanking him for his grace and mercy?  Going to Him in prayer for no reason at all, just to say hello, or thank you, even asking Him to put a prayer on your heart for someone else.  This allows us to change our perspective and not just pray when we are in need, but when others have needs.  Instead of being self-focused, we become others-focused."Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things." Colossians 3:2 NIVPrayer needs to be our first response, not our last resort.  Just like those of you who get the flu shot, or take any other preventative measure to say healthy, prayer should be the same way.There are many benefits to praying in addition to growing closer to God. I think most of you will agree with many of them:

  1. When we pray, God will help us find direction in our lives and give us answers to our prayers. (Remember, this is not in your time, it's His...)
  2. Prayer can deepen our relationship with God as we rely on Him more and more.
  3. Praying allows us to change our focus on
  4. God is always moving in multiple ways in our lives, even in ways we are not aware of. Prayer can pull back the curtain on His plans and bring us closer to God.

My prayer for you today is that you find and create a sacred space in your life to invite God in.  He not only loves you but is desperate to hear from you.  Find time in good times and in challenging times, and you will feel more peace about your life and grow closer to God as you mature in your faith.


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