The Hope for Orlando

First of all, I want to begin by paying respect to all of those who were lost in the tragic shooting in Orlando. My heart and prayers go out to the families. Secondly, I want to impress the urgency of the hour. I do not want to focus on the sadness of this tragedy.  It is difficult in a time like this to see a happy ending, but through Gods mercy He will bring triumph in the worst tragedies.Regardless of the situation the bible says in 1 Corinthians 13:5-7 (AMP) that love looks for the best in all things and hopes in all things remains steadfast during difficult times and endures all things without weakening.I know God is going to take this situation of death and destruction and draw his creation to Him. The Lord always draws near to the broken heart as stated in Psalms 34:18 and He is just waiting on his creation to cry out to Him.The bible says in Romans 8:19 (NIV) “For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.”.The broken people from this tragedy are waiting for Christians to get off their coach and to go into the community and show them the love of the father! God is getting ready to do some big things in Orlando for His glory, but Satan is trying to come in and scare people away. Satan is not the victor and this seeming victory is only temporary. Satan might think he has a hand up on Orlando, but nothing can stop the Lord from what He has in store.We have been given an incredible opportunity for the Lord to use us in His plan to bring heaven to earth in Orlando. We are his vessels and all God wants from us is our willingness and availability to be used by him. God is going to restore Orlando no matter if you are willing to take part, but take joy in the fact that He wants to use us.The time is now, the hour is upon us and it is our choice to accept the call. Let’s come together in one accord to be a people of prayer, faith and proclaiming the gospel! My prayer is that all attempts of Satan be stomped on and that freedom, healing and deliverance are marching in.


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Viewing God As Our Mountain