How Christians can Start to Hear God's Voice More

When a man first finds a woman he is interested in, he begins to watch her and note her qualities. As time goes on, he finds the right moment to introduce himself and began a relationship. Over the years, he learns about her, her likes and dislikes while at the same time she learns about him. They prioritize setting aside time daily, whether on the phone or in-person so that their relationship flourishes. It is a process that lasts a lifetime and requires patience.

How to Hear God's Voice

Although we might not always think of our relationship with God in this manner, God compares us to being a bridegroom 22 times throughout the Bible. When we view God as the groom and ourselves as a bride, it makes it clear to see how God speaks to us. How a man and woman spend countless hours with one another, so God wants you to spend countless hours with him.At first, the time spent with God can be awkward because you might not know what to say. Please give it a few tries, and things will be more comfortable. It is God's desire that time spent with Him be special. This means set aside, uninterrupted, daily time just as you would with a spouse. A spouse would consider it rude if you picked up your phone while having a serious conversation, so do your best not to do that to God.

Related Post: When our time with God is in order, the rest of our world will follow.

God best explains how He will build a relationship in James 4:8, “Come near to God, and He will come near to you…”God has made it so simple to hear His voice, yet we don’t want to take the time to learn it. The success of any relationship depends on the involvement of the partners. God eagerly waits for us to be in a relationship, but how badly do you want to be with Him?The Lord says in Revelation 22:17, “The Spirit and the bride say, Come! And let the one who hears say, Come! Let the one who is thirsty come, and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.If you desire to experience more of the Lord, it is simple! Go to Him and spend time with Him. He is the Bridegroom who eagerly waits to speak to His bride! This is how we learn to hear God's voice!


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