How One Lesson My Dad Taught Me Has Helped Me Grow with God

Have you ever found yourself saying any of these things?1. "It's just one dish..."2. "It's just one piece of laundry..."3. "It's just one leaf in the yard..."But what happens when it's no longer just one? When it keeps piling up and becoming more than "just one," it starts to stress you out and forces you to spend time doing something that initially would have only taken a minute to do.

It's just how many of us operate in our lives. We let stuff pile up and choose to do it all at one time once we can't handle it anymore.

When I was growing up, my dad always taught me to clean my golf clubs after every shot. On almost every golf shot, your club hits the ground and gets some dirt on it (the irons, at least). If you ignored them and didn't clean it off after every shot, then you would have filthy clubs at the end of the round. Then, the longer you allow the dirt to stay on your clubs, the harder it is to get off when you decide to. Similar to laundry or dishes. If you have a stain on something, the faster you do something about it, the better chance you will get it out.

Back to my golf analogy...

If you don't clean your club off after it gets dirty, then the next time you use that club, it will affect its performance. The dirt still on the club has the ability to change the direction of the golf ball when it is hit.Or think about a dirty dish. If you leave food on a plate and just put it away, then the next time you decide to use it, it's possible there would be mold on it or bacteria that would be harmful. So any food put on that plate then turns from being nutritional to hurtful.

Related Post: How to Live a Life That is Proactive Instead of Reactive

Our lives are very similar even though we may not recognize it. God wants us to be in constant communication with him ("Pray Continually" - 1 Thessalonians 5:17). We should consistently ask for forgiveness and ask for help from Jesus. Jesus didn't spend multiple hours with God each day then forget about it the rest of the day. He just made it a part of His life and had consistent small conversations with God all the time.If you look at Christianity as how much stuff you need to do to get caught up, it's overwhelming, but I would encourage you to look at it in small pieces and as a way to adjust your life...

  • Give a little bit each day...
  • Pray for 30 seconds at a time whenever you think about it every day...
  • Read a few verses of the bible every day...

If you start to do these things, they will become a part of your life, and you will find yourself doing them more and more.

And back to my analogies, if you take care of your relationship with God every day, it will ultimately affect your performance and allow you to be nutritional to others instead of harmful.


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