If it is Good for You, God Won't Withhold it From You

I was taking a walk to pray during my lunch break at work. I had been feeling some frustration that I was not getting any headway in a new role I was exploring when this scripture came to mind.

"For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor. No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly." - Psalm 84:11 NIV

This is a great scripture to meditate on in such a situation when things are not going as planned. The latter part of this verse is often quoted. However, it is usually from the standpoint of having confidence in God to answer a specific ask. Could this verse be saying more?

God won't withhold good things from us

My brother-in-law recently challenged me to see this verse in a new light. This new perspective is mainly around the fact that if something feels like it is being withheld from me, it might be a signal that it is not good for me. If I make my requests and desires known to God and I have done everything I know to do, and it all is still not falling in place then, God might just be doing me a favor.

Related Post: Rejection Redefined

Our heavenly father is truly a sun and shield. He illuminates our path and protects us from harm. His intention is to bestow favor and honor. So, sometimes that means He withholds that which is not good from us. Reflecting on this has given me tremendous peace.Do you feel like something is being withheld from you? Are you struggling because it feels like you are not making as much progress as you expected up to this point? Maybe God is protecting you. It just might not be the right thing or the right time. Finally, derive some comfort in knowing that God won't withhold what is good for you from you.


Above All Else Guard Your Heart [This is Important!]


Are You Living in Fear or in Faith? It's Time to Stand Out!