How Do You Imagine God?

I love how God makes us all different, from personality to body size and shape.  Which means God speaks to all of us in different was too!  One way God loves to speak to me (and I love it too) is through visions.  However, my wife and I recently moved and I suddenly stopped receiving these visions.  Did I drift too far from him when we moved?  Was it just a season in my life where God didn’t want me/need me to receive any?  I wasn’t sure, but I made a point to pray a week or two ago and ask God to give me those visions back.  I desperately wanted them because they give me a euphoria that can only be described as “Godly”.  Well God delivered yesterday morning!  I’m so thankful he hears our prayers and answers them in his perfect timing.Currently I’m going through a workbook with a friend called “Thoroughly Equipped – Disciple Making Curriculum” or “DC” for short.  The workbook has been amazing and is quite refreshing with the questions it asks.  It asks really good questions but in ways I have never seen or heard.  It truly does give you a different perspective on God and everything he is. (Link here)Yesterday, as I was going through the work book I entered the question section.  The first set of questions were labeled “Warm-up questions.” They then proceeded to ask, “How do you imagine God? When you think of God, what pictures come to mind?”  This is a warm up question?!?! Maybe it is to some people but to me that seems like a pretty deep and intimate question for a warm up! Anyways it was a great question none the less because God came through and gave me a vision.As I was mulling over the “warm up” question God stepped in and gave me said vision.  The bible tells us we can’t see God’s face or we will surely die, but I believe God showed me an extremely watered down version of his face.  I saw a face that looked just like a human face.  It had a glow much like the sun radiating on the entire universe and produced a warmth that consumed my whole being, all the way down to my soul.  As I started to look closer, the details of his face started to reveal themselves.  His smile was/is so comforting and reassuring, and his eyes were no different.  A lot of people say you can learn a lot about someone by looking into their eyes, well God was telling me he knew me, treasured me, was proud of me, and loved me extremely! Then as I took a step back to look at his face in whole I instantly noticed that his face looked exactly like my face!  Mind. Blown.In no way shape or form am I trying to say that I am God, that I’m perfect, or that I am closer to God than anyone else.  I believe that God was giving me not only a vision but a message.  A message that we are in God and God is in us.  After all we are made in his image!The other thought that ran through my head was, “What if I was actually looking in a heavenly mirror?”  As Paul says in Colossians 1:27 – “To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” (NIV)  Did God take me to a spiritual dressing room so I could see my real face?  The face he sees when he looks at me?  With my whole heart I believe this to be true.“That’s a great vision but what does that have to do with me?”  Well this vision isn’t just for me, it’s for you too!  If you know Christ and have entrusted your life to him you do/can have the same face and experience!  As Colossians 3:3 says – “For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.” (NIV)  If things aren’t going your way or if the Holiday season is hard for you just remember that Christ is in you and you are in Christ.  Gaze into his eyes and feel the love, comfort, and pride he takes in his greatest creation; You! 


Donald Trump may be right


Living in God's grace is getting what we do not deserve