Life is Precious and Fleeting

“So teach us to number our days. That we may gain a heart of wisdom.” — Psalm 90:12 NKJV

Our time here on the earth is precious and fleeting. As I write this post, I cannot express enough the importance of how fleeting life can be and that we don’t know how many days we have left. We think we have time until we don’t. My late husband would always say to me that he would enjoy life once he retired. Sadly, that was something he never got to do. 7 days after his 45th birthday he sat up on the edge of the bed at 1:30am in the morning, told me he was ok and then fell to the floor, unable to be revived. Not only does it sadden me that he did not get to retire and do all the things he wanted to do, but he was so work driven, that he did not live with intention, but rather distraction when it came to living a Christ centered life.

We are called by God to live our lives with purpose and intention, making wise choices and using our time wisely. The world we live in is filled with evil and distractions, but as followers of Jesus, we are called to rise above and make the most of every opportunity to bring glory to God and further His kingdom. We should not take our time for granted, but rather, use it to serve others, spreading love and kindness, and growing in our relationship with God. We need to live each day with a sense of urgency, knowing that our time on earth is limited, and strive to make a positive impact in the world around us.

Living wisely under Christ means aligning our thoughts, actions, and decisions with the teachings of Jesus. It involves seeking His guidance and wisdom through prayer, studying His Word, and being open to be led by the Holy Spirit, alone and also in a community of like-minded believers. Being obedient to Gods commandments and living a life of love, grace, and forgiveness helps us to prioritize our relationship with Jesus. God wants us to surrender our own desires and ambitions to His will and allow Him to shape and direct our lives. When we seek His kingdom and righteousness above worldly pursuits, we can find our identity and purpose in Him.

Being a Christian is a lifelong journey of growth and transformation. It requires humility, surrender, and a willingness to continually learn and grow in our understanding of who He is and how He wants us to live.

Living a Christian life is not always easy, and it requires effort and commitment. But as we seek to live with purpose and intention, guided by our faith, we can make a positive impact in the world and bring glory to God. May we strive to live each day with intentionality, seeking to honor and serve our Lord in all that we do, including being mindful of our words and actions, striving to be a positive influence and a reflection of Christ's love and grace. We need to also be a disciple of Christ sharing our faith and being a witness in our communities, in the hope that we may plant seeds and encourage others to seek the Lord.

Psalm 90:12 says:

"So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." This verse reminds us of the brevity and fragility of life. It encourages us to recognize the limited time we have on earth and to use it wisely.”

To "number our days" means to be aware of the passing of time and to understand that our days are finite. It is a call to live with a sense of urgency and purpose, making the most of each day.

The psalmist asks God to teach us to number our days so that we may gain a heart of wisdom. This implies that wisdom comes from recognizing the fleeting nature of life and using our time in a way that aligns with God's purposes.

Considering this verse, we are encouraged to live intentionally, seeking God's guidance and wisdom in how we spend our time. Ultimately, Psalm 90:12 serves as a reminder to live with a sense of urgency, making the most of the time we have been given, and seeking to live a life that is pleasing to God.

To actively live out Psalm 90:12, here are some practical steps you can take:

  1. Seek God's guidance: Begin each day by seeking God's guidance and wisdom through prayer. Ask Him to help you prioritize your time and make wise choices that align with His will.

  2. Reflect on the brevity of life: Regularly reflect on the brevity and uncertainty of life. This can help you maintain a sense of urgency and perspective, reminding you to make the most of each day.

  3. Set priorities: Identify your priorities and align them with God's purposes. Determine what truly matters considering eternity and focus your time and energy on those things. This may involve evaluating your commitments and making choices about how you spend your time.

  4. Practice intentional living: In your thoughts, actions, and choices, seek to live in a way that reflects your faith and values. This may involve setting goals, creating routines, and making deliberate decisions that align with your beliefs.

  5. Serve others: Look for opportunities to serve and help others. Use your time and resources to make a positive impact in the lives of those around you. This can be done through acts of kindness, volunteering, or supporting causes that align with your values.

  6. Share your faith: Be intentional about sharing your faith with others. Look for opportunities to share the love and truth of Christ with those around you. This can be done through conversations, acts of compassion, or inviting others to church or Bible studies.

  7. Embrace growth and learning: Continually seek to grow in your faith and understanding of God's Word. Engage in regular Bible study, attend church services, and participate in small groups or discipleship programs. Embrace opportunities for personal growth and spiritual development.


Remember, living out Psalm 90:12 is a lifelong journey. It requires intentionality, discipline, and reliance on God's grace. My prayer for you is that you seek to actively live out this psalm, trusting in God's guidance and wisdom each step of the way.

My friends, this is an urgent plea, life is so very precious and so very short. God desires your heart above all else, He wants the best for you. No matter where you are in your Christian walk or even if you have just stumbled across this post and don’t know Jesus, I urge you to develop and / or deepen a relationship with Him, so that you may come to know the purest form of love that has ever been and that will ever be. When we open our hearts and minds to Him, he works for the good of us and the for the Glory of Him.



Father God,

We come before you with humble hearts, recognizing the truth of Psalm 90:12. Teach us, Lord, to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Help us to understand the brevity and fragility of life, and to live each day with a sense of urgency and purpose.

Grant us the wisdom to make the most of our time on this earth. Guide us in using our days wisely, aligning our thoughts, actions, and choices with your will. Help us to prioritize our relationship with you above all else, seeking your guidance and direction in all that we do.

Lord, we acknowledge that the world we live in is filled with evil and brokenness. Give us the strength and courage to navigate through these challenges, to stand against injustice, and to be a light in the darkness. Help us to make a positive impact in the lives of others, sharing your love and truth with those around us.

We also pray for an eternal perspective, Lord. Help us to remember that our choices and actions have eternal consequences. May we live in a way that reflects our faith and points others to you. Give us a deep desire to invest in things of eternal value and to fulfill the purposes you have for us.

Thank you, Lord, for the gift of each day. May we live with gratitude and a sense of urgency, seeking to honor and glorify you in all that we do. In Jesus' name, we pray.


#lifeisshort #wisdom #numberthedays


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