Jesus died willingly because it meant saving you.

Jesus willingly allowed Himself to be taken into custody and put on trial knowing that these things would lead to His death. He did this because He knew it meant saving you. Take a minute to really think about that... The creator of the world decided to come to earth to save you, even with all of your short-comings and imperfections. He didn't decide pull the plug on His painful death, although He could have! Instead, He just kept picturing Himself saving you, and that is what kept Him going.I believe that some of Jesus' last words "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." were not just directed at the people who killed Him, but also for all of man-kind alive when He said it, and future generations. I believe that Jesus was telling God to forgive me even today for my short-comings and times when I am not living for Him.No matter your short-comings, your imperfections or your sins are right now don't forget that Jesus came to die for all of those things. He saw something within you that made it worth all of the pain that He had to go through. So I want to ask you, what are you doing right now to show Jesus that you appreciate what He has done for you? A lot of people, like me, may be able to answer this with uncertainty. Right now, I'm not sure what I am doing for Jesus, or why He would willing die for me especially with Him knowing all of the wrong I have done, and will do in my life.Today I encourage you, no matter what you are going through, no matter how good life may be, or how difficult of a season you may be in. Remember the cross. Remember what Jesus did for you. In some way, incorporate Jesus into all that is good in your life. If you are in a difficult season, remember that Jesus didn't die for you so you could suffer; He came to give you abundant life. Hold on to that, good times are coming. Today, remember that Jesus saw your face while He was on the cross... Keep Jesus in all you do and His joy will follow!1 John 3:16This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.Romans 5:8But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.


It doesn't require faith when we have control of the situation
