Jesus Is Saying, “Here I Am”

When people start making their way to the dance floor at a wedding, it is a prime opportunity for people watching. It always seems at some point during a wedding, the people on the dance floor will start a train and move throughout the reception area while holding the shoulders of the person in front of them. The whole idea of the train is to stay with the person in front of you and keep it moving throughout the tables and the dance floor. I recently witnessed this at a wedding that I attended. I noticed one girl involved in the train faced with a decision that she had to make... As the train was moving, I noticed a group that was starting to break off of the chain and the girl was stuck in the middle and had to decide whether she wanted to keep up with the train in front of her or slow down and allow the broken chain to catch up. This moment instantly spoke to me as an example of Christ’s love for us.God sent his perfect son Jesus, bearing His image, down to rescue our brokenness. Christ wasn't sent to the Earth to walk boastfully in His perfect image, but rather to fill our weakness with His wholeness. He came for the broken people of the world. He didn't just keep up with those who were doing what was right. He didn't just identify Himself as perfection, but humbly served our imperfect souls. He didn't just walk with the people who knew His Word, but stood up for the rejected. He willfully went to the cross to save us from our sins. God didn't have to send His son Jesus toreach out to our broken chain; He could have celebrated on His heavenly throne with the angels and let the broken train of humanity live in sin forever.John 3:16For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.Psalm 34:18The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.


Brokenness is valuable


Those who are closest to you will determine your success.