The Joy of Reconnecting with God on the Sabbath

The ten commandments, given in Exodus, set the tone of the Old Testament and display God’s love through them. The first four given provide us with instructions on how to honor God and the other six show us how to live in harmony with fellow human beings, such as not stealing and lying. The topic for this specific writing will focus specifically on the fourth commandment, keeping the Sabbath holy, while referring to Ezekiel 20:19-20 as the main point of reference. 

From the beginning of time, God intended the Sabbath to be a blessing to the human race—a day when all the cares of the world can be put aside and one’s strength can be replenished. Studies have shown that taking this one-day break can diminish the chance of depression and mental burnout.

However, apart from the observable physical benefits, having one day set aside for honoring God can strengthen the personal bond between God and us.

Ezekiel 20:19-20 reads as follows: “I am the Lord your God; follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. Keep my Sabbath holy, that they may be a sign between us. Then you will know that I am the Lord your God.

By surrendering your time, it indicates that God is a priority in your life, just as one would set time aside to spend with a close friend. 

For me personally, the Sabbath has always been a major concept in my life as I have grown up in a family that have always made a point of keeping one day aside from the week. It has allowed us to spend the day in fellowship with other believers, studying God’s word, as well as spending time in nature to appreciate God’s creation. Having this one-day break has really allowed me to cope during some tough times when the world seems too much. When deadlines are looming at university and I am forced to do all-nighters to complete tasks, it is a relief to know that once the Sabbath arrives, I can focus on God and resting my body from work. Sometimes life can become so busy that we neglect our relationship with God but observing the Sabbath allows us to make a point of reconnecting with Him. 

Similarly, as to the Sabbath, Easter allows us to focus our attention on Jesus for an entire weekend.

In today’s society, Easter’s true meaning has been overshadowed by the Easter bunnies and Easter eggs sold in shops around this time of year. It is important to fix our eyes on the cross and the true act of sacrifice of Jesus.

Linking back to Ezekiel 20:19-20, just as the Sabbath is a sign between God and us, the cross also indicates a connection to God, as our Lord and Savior.

To conclude, an extract from Revelation 21:5 states “He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” (NIV).

While the Sabbath gives us a chance to renew our connection with Him while we are on Earth, the plan of Salvation gives us the chance to receive eternity and be renewed spiritually with God.  



  1. As Easter approaches this weekend, let us take the time to ponder on what Jesus did for us as a human race.

  2. Make it a point to set the Sabbath aside from work and set your mind on God and your connection with Him.


Kingdom of Heaven: Treasures of the Heart


“We like the idea, but do we like the work?”