Living With a Longing

In life, sometimes, we find ourselves at a very confusing yet pivotal point. We find ourselves observing our life and coming to the realization that we can’t stay where we are, but you’re not sure where you’re going just yet. You can’t seem to satisfy your passion and stay where you’re at. How does one get to the next place their heart longs for?Answer, by trusting God wholeheartedly to lead you.

Psalms 119:105 “lamp to my feet

  • He shows us only one step at a time, to be sure we always turn to Him, every step of the way.
  • Each step may not look like we think it should but if we are fully giving our hearts desires to God, He will place us exactly where we need to be.

This is why trusting in God is so important. He sees the beginning, middle, and end of all time.  Trusting His will and plan over our will and plan is the biggest step of faith, however, from experience, it’s the most rewarding choice and step of faith I’ve ever made.

[easy-tweet tweet="Learn to trust God with your destiny."]

Psalm 119:105 “light to my path

  • Sometimes, God gives us a light to view our path. It’s an incredible journey to see the path God has for us and it’s a beautiful blessing in the moment.
  • A Bible study by Kris Vallotton said “path revelations bring clarity, and consequently, meaning to the daily steps of life.“

[easy-tweet tweet="The Holy Spirit is either your compass or your roadmap."]

If you're one who needs a practical next step or assurance that you're not yet too far gone; take this next statement to heart, process through it, and learn to trust God through every season, not just the comfortable ones.

You will never be fully ready for you're "next step" in life, however, you can be equipped for that next step.

For example, no one is every ready to become a parent, however, their finances or schedule could fully equip them and place them in the best circumstances as possible to bring a child into the world, provide for them, and have quality time to devote to them.

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You may not be mentally ready for what God is bringing next but maybe, just maybe, God has already equipped you for what is to come. This may be the time you need to trust in Him, to see it come to fruition.

Boldly go where the Lord leads and watch as He gives you the desires of your heart.


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